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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Haha. Its offcially daylight outside, I have my light off lol.
  2. Just been watching tv. Now started watching waterboy and considering going to bed, even though its light outside my window...
  3. Got to a riding spot, left my phone a wall along with a load of pennies and my allen keys. Was literally riding about 15m away at most and it got robbed. Quite silly on my part though. Pretty much deserved that one.
  4. Aye, I got the idea that that the performance is f**king awesome, top notch and flawless/perfect. And because it's perfect and does everything so brilliantly it's no longer a challenge to go quickly, in fact, it's quite boring and requires the same amount of skill that driving around town at 20mph takes. Also, from his review it seems thart the car has no individual character (or has it's own very unique charcter), from how i took it, it seems like inside the car you don't hear the engine roaring, pumping and struggling to do 180mph, you can barely hear the turbo and the wheels are always in control; there is no evidence of you going at speed, which is all a bit boring, isn't it?
  5. I've decided its got something to do with listening to Di fm on my headphones. But now I feel hungry Might just have to make myself the rest of the spaghetti.
  6. Just looked at the clock and it was 3. Not even tired
  7. He didn't call you a spacker, he said you spelt like a spacker. Which, in all fairness, you do.
  8. If there was someone broke into my house, either my brother or myself would go for the telescopic police baton in his room and start breaking bones if the tits were too stupid to run away.
  9. Aye, it's systems and control. Not too hard but apparently, due to my rather thin coursework folder, I'll have to be working hard in this for an A, which a bit a dissapointment, since sir's put me on an A* all year and said I would have got one if I actually bothered to do my folderwork.
  10. Why am I awake at this time and why have I come here? Got a DT exam at 1.40 and was planning on doing my revision in the morning. I just f**ked up. Again.
  11. If it has a .cue file, medieval cue splitter is free and works, gives you the option to edit the ID3 tags of the different tracks before you split them as well.
  12. And don't forget the dreadful possibility of "Check Neck"; where you're neck can swell up over your face
  13. I think all that weed's making people paranoid. I know. I know.
  14. You do know that 1.2 billion is worth more than 401 million, right?
  15. "You're shrinking, and you're two balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that your gun says "Replica" down the side, and I've got "Desert Eagle .50" written down the side of mine should precipitate your balls into shrinking. Now f**k off!"
  16. Oh, she's under 16. I see. That would be a rather large life f**kupper.
  17. Why's that so bad? I thought you weren't actually 12? And that's a bit bitchy isn't it? And quite pathetic. 'Don't do anything that'll piss me off, otherwise I'll tell my dad on you.'
  18. Sure, I've got CoD 4 + Halo 3 but never really played Halo 3, so I'm a bit shit at it.
  19. I wasn't going to post anything, but I agree with Mike. Generally, I find racist jokes funny when they're somewhat 'tasteful' i.e. tongue in cheek. But this. It's not even a joke. You may as well have asked, "What weapon am I going to hit the paki with today?" and that would have been just as 'funny'. This is the kind of joke which gets this thread closed and it's not even worth it either, so everyone would prefer if this of 'joke' was kept to the retarded people that came up with them.
  20. Yeh, but R6 has better graphics with more detail on pretty much everything = big game. Also, MGS4 won't coem to xBox I don't think. Kojima was complaining about the PS3s 50gb blu-ray discs being too small
  21. Well, I'm afraid you were never goign to do it first. And a first attempt onto something solid will just be a ride ender.Although it will be cool to see how close you get for a first time.
  22. Please can you film and post the failure up here
  23. The pendulum remix of Voodoo people. That's a tune.
  24. If its making you feel shit, you're drinking it wrong
  25. It's not saying the distance is infinetly long, rather than than the measure of precision and accuracy is infinite - 0.999... is an infinitely accurate number, in fact any recurring number is. It' got nothing to do with an infinite length. Also I do believe that if you have a chocolate bar which is 30cm long, it won't be too hard to cut it up in 10 cm lengths. You're thinking 1/3 is impossible because a third of 10 is said to be 0.333... even though three 0.333...s is 0.999... The point there is that 10 cannot be divided into thirds but it can be divided into three parts which, when added together, are infinitely close to being 10. - I was trying to say that, even though 10 can't be divided by three, other numbers, such as 3, or 30, can be divided by three.
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