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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Bed time. Going to the gym at 11. 8 hours (i think...). Gonna be dropping weights on my face.
  2. Pretty sure it is Ben Collins. My dad knows a rally driver who in turn knows Ben Collins and knows that he is the Stig.
  3. I'll be up for it. GT is Braveblood but it's my brother's and he gets pissed off if he's friends with people he doesn't know. So I'm gonna set up live for my GT with a free month that came with GTA.
  4. Errm. No. That's not even nearly important, and it is in fact not even necessary. Also, I highly doubt his frame has 2 bolt mounts required to fit a Magura (which is the best/only choice really for trials). If you seriously want to do it, start with the gearing as in, get it as minimal as possible and sort at a trials gear. After that, you'll want to fix up the brakes by investing in some decent vee pads and grinding your rim. You'll probably want to ask about for a better vee set up for trials as well (lever, cable etc). Then after that it's all personal preference. Wheels, bar, stem, headset, forks.
  5. It appears to me that it is no longer your thread Not even mentioned in the wiki. Just down right disrespect.
  6. Ben Collins does the Top Gear track stuff.
  7. Its probably all people that d/led over the weekend like myself. Easiest class to get to grips with I found.
  8. Haha you b*****d It would only have been a few minutes until I dominated you . Might have to purchase this if I kind find some money spare
  9. Ah right sorry pal. Thought you just downloaded it all. Was just trying to help out because it's hardly the most user friendly UI I've ever seen. Thought you could lol. james_something_or_other@hotmail.com is the contact address, you can add with that I think
  10. I'm not playing atm, will be on in about an hour probably. In Steam, go to View -> Friends, and add me and Bender, that will show you when we're playing and where and you can directly join serves we're in.
  11. Which are the new maps? And I did notice a fair few pyros everywhere.
  12. Bloody hell. You lot make me look even lazier than I am. Go every Mon, Wed and Fri. Usually run down there or do a quick 5 min run as a warmup then do a very basic freeweight routine to build up the core muscles. Usually only takes half an hour or so. But I'm gonna change it and add to it once I get used to lifting again. Then, if my mate's there, will end the session with a 40 min ride on the bike.
  13. It's a bit hard online lol. Starting to get to grips with it. Just annoying because it keeps crashing whenever I accidentally minimise it
  14. I've added Bender. If anyone wants to add me, just use my TF name. Will be on TF2 and CS 1.6 which I forgot I had.
  15. You can't but the more you use it, the better it becomes at being slightly useful.
  16. go and read what he said again. And you'll find (hopefully) he never even hinted that.
  17. Just downloaded it from softpedia in two mins. It's good. Noticeably faster and I've just seen that it spell checks. The last one didn't do that. The 'intelligent' browsing is a bit shit though. It looks a lot neater and nicer to look at as well which is a bonus. And as a bonus, it downloaded a new version of FoxyTunes with which I can do rather pointless things like this. ---------------- Now playing: Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide via FoxyTunes
  18. Just finished school. Going on to 6th form to do Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Product Deisgn, you know, all of the easy ones Hoping from there to go on to do a Motorsport Engineering Course at uni. Gonna work my ass off for Loughborough Uni simply for the rugby
  19. No, its completely false and untrue. Urabn myth. If he actually did do that, then I'm sure you wouldn't be unsure about it, it would have been on the news for a while. (Last bit directed at mcinnes)
  20. That bloody moonpig, halifax, that shitty slimfast advert with some woman singing aobut a funky monkey or some shit like that. Ahh! The lyrics are diabolical and cringe worthy. But hands down award goes to that frosties kid. f**k me that was annoying.
  21. Pfft, my chain's more senior than that - 2 years and 8 months old
  22. Why am I still awake? But on a plus side, Waterboy was quite good, haven't seen it before.
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