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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Course it's crap. It's all based on the fact that the ancient maya calandar basically stops working on December 12 2012.
  2. Well, I hope they're all finished before December 21st.
  3. The ACOG is complete crap. Red Dot is where it's at. Nothing more, nothing less. And that blu tack trick is for n00bs. I was doing it on Counter Strike years ago - when I was 13
  4. Yeah, didn't really think it was. It's just the extravagant fin just said Cadillac.
  5. I've seen that car before. Ahhh. I want to say it's a Cadillac but I've got a niggle that it's not.
  6. Ahh what! When did Hendrix get in there?! Seconds too slow
  7. Nah, its that film where he's a russian spy, planning on blowing up an atomic bomb in England next to a US air base. Can't remember the name though. Fourth Protocol
  8. Still need to sort out the boxx*. Want to play CoD again *note that my boxx exists, unlike certain boxes
  9. I'd imagine that the rugby is at a high level - with privately educated school boys moving through it. Would have had year long rugby with dedicated + good staff. And I'm 99% the team's like legendary along with cambridge. But hardly any top division players come from Oxford Uni - or at least there's enough non-oxford/cambridge players to ensure that oyu don't need to go there to get good. Well, thanks for the input guys, I'm sure I'll get my mind sorted out in a few months time
  10. The art. I'm guessing that the idea is that people will say the attractive girl's art is better than the fat girl's art even though fatty's is clearly better.
  11. Is brookes a good place to go? I'm planning on doing a Motorsport Engineering course in two years time when I leave sixth form. But I really don't know where to go (I'm sure this will all become quite clear after sixth form gives me some info). I've had my mind set on Loughborough as they sold their Motorsport Engineering course quite well but also (and mainly for me) look to have a good rugby team. But obviously Oxford has an astounding rugby team, but I'd imagine they're quite harsh on requirements? In an ideal world I'd become a proffesional rugby player which is something I really want, and I'm more than willing to let learning suffer for rugby development, and I'm not sure if the sixth form would take kindly to me wanting to pursue childish dreams As such, they would probably recomend a good uni for an ME course. Just wondering on first hand opinions as this seems the best place for me to get them?
  12. Plausible. You could say you were looking for the parts which make up basic life forms.
  13. Anyway, dying in a man made blackhole that will go on to swallow shit up for a few million years, definitely is the way to go. everyone should be proud that we've come this far in so short of a space of time.
  14. I tried that the first time I did that level but it didn't quite work out, so I replaced the bottom set of wheels with a ramp, which worked quite nicely.
  15. That one's piss Did it first go! But it's not saving Basically it was a series of clockwise wheel on the bottom of the tunnel, a series of anticlockwise wheels at the top of the tunnel and were attached with rods going across the the diagonally opposite wheel on the opposite series of wheels. Saved now
  16. Aye. Same here. Must have had her head in a book for ages.
  17. I'm sorry if I've missed some sarcasm but. Having actually watched synchronised swimming, this is something that cannot be joked about. Synchronised swimming is the scariest and most cringe worthy thing I've watchedf in my life. The people that do that have the scariest faces and what they do is very weird. Much rather watch trials.
  18. You can right click on any song (even purchased) and if it's not already, iTunes now has an option to convert to MP3. You group convert as well. Note: I've never done it myself so I can't sya what the end quality is like etc.
  19. Maths - A* Add Science - A English Lang - A History - A PE - A German - B ICT - B RE (half course) - B Science - B English Literature - B Systems & Control - B ICT - C Well chuffed Especially considering the effort I put in was minimal. Really surprised about History and German. Thought the two were boderline fail PE was a bit disappointing though, really thought that was going to be an A*. Ah well, an A will do me fine
  20. I reckon they'll be interesting. It's a case where I know I could have got As in pretty much everything, had I tried. but I reckon my only A will be in Maths and possibly DT - The rest will be Bs and Cs with German and History being borderline fails.
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