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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. If they had the audacity to fire you after you cut a finger in half due to them having unsafe equipment show them as much respect as they've shown you.
  2. Radio Crash - Ferry Corsten - this tune will cause me to become hard of hearing.
  3. Lost in 7 days!!! Although 9 days for the UK premier. Also a fair few season previews on youtube!
  4. Are we not missing this part? Why do you need faceparty to contact them when they are able to tell you it won't let them invite you and when they know you want to contact them?
  5. And yeah, after getting used to how it plays, DoD:S can be more entertaining.
  6. Just added everyone on this page, as you do when it's the end of a holiday and you really need to start revising and doing DT coursework
  7. AFAIK the iPhone and touch show the signal strength of the strongest signal/one you've selected without actually being set up (being able to connect) to that connection. So you're gonna have to go through you're WiFi settings for your connection and set up accordingly.
  8. A less interesting site I found some years ago. But it still amused me for some reason.
  9. I said no, but just because that design's f**king stupid.
  10. Radio 538: Dance Department Radio 538: Tiesto's Club Life Funky House London Style Push The Night
  11. Lol. It's amazing that this comprehensive post is entirely complete bullshit. And a very large reason as to why he should be put on the blacklist.
  12. Yes. A film set in Japan. Had too many Japs in..... But this one looks ludicrous. High speed acrobatics with pickup trucks loaded with tow equipment? f**k off.
  13. Pretty darn good so far! I think I'm just missing any creative talent, especially with music as I completely failed with FL. Or it could just be complete FL failure. Couldn't find/make a decent synth for shit. But yeah. Top notch track, can't really be faulted at all. Flowing and nice and chilled too.
  14. Downloading now ANd after hearing your other stuff, I'm fairly sure it can't be anything but better than the I Kissed a Girl remix that was on radio 1 a while a go. The one that was literally the orig song with a shit clubland beat behind it. Will comment after Top Gear
  15. You could try buying it? If it has a .cue file, medieval cue splitter will split the tracks up.
  16. Or a photoshop. But yes, what kind of village postman requires a helicopter to go from house to house?
  17. Because it wasn't cheesy enough; no helicopter in a box, jet plane disguised a horse, belt with super magnet tip and extra strength cord to be used for playing tarzan with etc. I personally thought it was ace and I like this new bond I like the more realistic fights and knowing that he isn't a super human super agent - although I am not saying there are no non-plausible parts of it, I'm just saying there isn't parts where you immediately think "yeah, right".
  18. Yeah, I'm fairly sure it's down to it essentially being made from carbon fibre and it's suspension system which "adjusts the dampers every 0.002 seconds to react to the changing road conditions."
  19. I agree that Top Gear is just entertainment. Clarkson's review of the Lambo was awful at best. But the way you worded that made it seem as if it's only 5th Gear that do proper reviews on the television . "if you want "proper" reviews put up with Tiffs voice or read a car magazine."
  20. Not true. There's a few other car review shows out there, they may not have on screen presenters but do have decent knowledge and reviewers behind them.
  21. Can you not see why that might get you warned? The point people have been trying to make in this thread is that regardless of how badly someone rubs you up the wrong way, too many people on here are failing to take a step back and leave it. Instead they have to big themselves up in a manner which A) Makes them look like a tit B ) Proves nothing and isn't very intimidating anyway and C) Just makes things/the general forum atmosphere worse. I think that there should be, and I'm sure there is anyway, a zero tolerance policy on threats like that because it's just too far and no one wants to read it. Anything which is quite clearly beyond a joke and is just on a personal level should be treated with a warn and the mods should be left to deal with anyone that needs to be toed into line.
  22. As long as he has had the bike a week or two it's just tough luck to be honest. He knew he was buying second hand parts, and he knew that they have been previously used. You should not be held accountable for forks snapping, he knew the risks and was aware that parts will be nearer the end of their life span than new ones. If you sold someone a car and siad there was petrol in the tank, would you give the buyer money because he had to fill up on the way home?
  23. Think of it as, the three people went in only with £30 in their pockets. So there only ever was £30. They give £30 to the receptionist - They now have £0 in their pockets. The receptionist sees his mistake, puts £2 in his pocket and gives £3 back - They now have £3 in their pocket. They have spent £27. £25 has gone to the bill, £2 has gone to the receptionist. Easy. And no Haz, that doesn't work. If he was from heaven, he would point to hell, but if he was from hell, he would point to heaven. And considering you don't know if he is from heaven or hell, you couldn't be sure which way he was pointing. And Dr Nick, there's only one guard? Or would that still work? I know it's fine if there's two guards...
  24. Did you really think that TheCircus was ever going to play your game?
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