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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. It should be complimentary for new members when there time comes. Complete the challenge and pass on to full membership. Fail and get perma banned.
  2. Lol, even worse; email from a Hannah Shucksmith, letter from a Johnson Omedarian
  3. Oh noes! Apparently falling asleep at 10 o clock isn't appreciated.
  4. Around half 7 or 8 sounds good to me. Usually having dinner at 7ish. GT is Manx Lock
  5. Create a party with private room? But yeah, I'd be up for that, about 8ish.
  6. Haha. Then all I've got to do is remind myself at 26 of the existence of that email as well as the login details.
  7. We'll see. Probably won't even be using this email when I'm 28.
  8. Just sent an email. On my 28th birthday, 12 years from now, I'm going to lose the game.
  9. Ah, it's alright It wasn't the clearest post in the world.
  10. If that was at me, I wasn't asking about google flagging everything as malware, was just wondering what did happen when you searched "why do black".
  11. I'd tell you to f**k off but I'm afraid you might tell my I was being discriminate. Anyway, the error seems to have disappeared, what did it actually suggest? And that engineer's mistake was a pricey one. Just for 40 mins, the guardian suggests an estimated £1.4-£2 mil revenue loss for Google!
  12. Oh yeah, my dad's mum was part of the team working on cracking the enigma code during WWII. And I remembered that guy, I'm vaguely related to Sir Walter Scott. And my dad was in Burke's Peerage and Landed Gentry Link
  13. I have been told that apparently, one of my ancestors rode to an ex spouse's wedding on horseback and slayed everyone present which was pretty cool. Also vaguely related to that guy that found the crown jewels again. And my dad's done some pretty cool things.
  14. The only parts you may have problems with are the bottom bracket (probably will fit but may by a bit hard to remove + insert) and the headset. If it's an internal bearing headset, you'll need one with external bearings. You can tell which one you have because external headsets protrude out of the steerer tube whereas internal sets are quite flush.
  15. The injuries are rare and hardly ever severe. If you think about it, everyone on the forum probably side hops daily/weekly and they're not all wandering about in casts with crutches. So being such a pussy You'll be fine. The worst you'll probably pick up would be a few scrapes and cuts if you got caught up on the wall and fell to your hands.
  16. I'm not too sure about your two history but it just seemed like he was having a poke at you having a poke. Sounds good though. You never know. You might all get offered jobs if you beat them again.
  17. Nice. The Onza bashes aren't the strongest I don't think. I've had mine snap on one of the tabs at the bottom of it before. What is this bullshit? My trousers get caught with a bash ring, as do my mate's. And if your bashring breaks, it'll just f**k your freewheel over. But they don't tend to break so it's not an issue really. But they do add a lot of bb stress.
  18. Anyone know why I can only find s05e02? It's the same size as one episode as well, so I don't think it's going to be both episodes in one.
  19. Haha. Love them. Anything involving the shoulders however, is the devil. Really need to get my ass back to the gym. Shitty school.
  20. A spy's sapping my beer!
  21. A rather complicated on but yes.
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