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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Instead of arguing over whether everything has a cause, lets get to the root what this would mean: the universe may have meaning or the universe may have no meaning. And so, I retaliate with this:
  2. Ohh, so it's shaped like a hypersphere? This is the point in which physics starts rocketing past my head I'm afraid...
  3. I think edge was the wrong word. By that I meant, that when you get to the edge of the universe, there is a physical barrier stopping you or any matter from going past that point. Which must be the case you contend the idea of nothingness and the expanding universe. Unless you believe outside our universe is an unknown matter/state which connects alternative universes.
  4. So what, you reckon the universe has an edge? Like a massive garden fence or something?
  5. Where's your proof for this then? And if it's true, then maybe the cause of the universe was to reach an equilibrium? Hence it's expansion and constant acceleration. Expanding until an equilibrium of nothingness and matter is achieved (which may never happen). If anything, the opposite is happening in this thread. AFAIK its only the US nutjobs which get offended if you don't believe.
  6. Ah yes. That whole 'Missing Link' fiasco. I'm afraid that argument was rendered null and void a few weeks ago. I have seen this argument against evolution so much by people claiming to understand it but they then fail on the basics. However, you didn't get it all wrong. Of course you're right, according to evolutionism, there wouldn't be any monkeys or apes; had we evolved from them. But, humans did not evolve from monkeys and apes. We evolved from a species from which monkeys, apes and humans all evolved from and have evolved at a parallel to each other. And since you do know the grassroots of evolutionism, that inferior creatures die out I will point you too the Neanderthals etc. Species from which we've evolved from which have in turn died out. If, as you've tried to argue, we were placed on this Earth as we are currently by God, then what is the explanation for the fossils of our ancestors? And as for the recent spurt of technological advancement that is all a relative point of view. It's dinner time for me, so I'll leave you to figure out the flaws in that last claim.
  7. To be fair, all the Christians on here do seem a lot chirpier than the rest of us....
  8. Haha. Cheeky sod. You're completely gonna get busted though Can't help but think they won't take too kindly to your behaviour when they read this!
  9. Looks amazing. 100+ tracks, 400+ cars and beautiful graphics. Will definitely be buying this one.
  10. Lol. Was about to point out this basic maths fail
  11. You can't complain really though. Granted every year there comes a rush of "Best Dance Anthems 200x" or "Classic *Insert Genre* Nation" and every album is carrying big tracks that year, including remixes and the obligatory classics such as Underworld and Silence, as well as tracks which are blatantly not even the genre printed on the album cover. But, I at least buy one of these albums a year and boom! Got all of the memorable tracks of the year, and any others I quite liked I can get for >£1 a pop. So although the MoS blitz every year can get tedious, at least you can make one solid purchase without having to have bought music throughout the year.
  12. Softmints, of all things, we're banned at my school simply because every packet would be half eaten and half thrown at people. They left right nasty marks.
  13. Haha, manxrider would have snapped his frame in half if it wasn't for his Armourdillo! Or at least have a mahoosive dent in his Gu.
  14. Seriously? very rarely will you need a half size allen key to undo any bolts on your bike. And how the f**k didn't you notice the amount wobble in the key? They are a snug tight fit! It's not supposed to be like throwing a hot dog down a corridor.
  15. You know 'Show Duplicates' shows both the original and copy version. So if you deleted them all, you've removed every copy of the song...
  16. Why, what's wrong with it? You can do a soft reset by holding menu and the centre button for few seconds.
  17. Yeah, at least Santa's given me the things I've asked for.
  18. Yeah, thought afterwards I could have worded it better. I was trying to say that the fact that people use metaphors in everyday speech is no justification for claiming that all of the 'morally wrong' things in the bible are a metaphor for something else, especially the few passages which indicate that rape is ok and I cannot see how these passages could be interpreted otherwise. Quick Google Source - I know it's not the most unbiased page in the world, but the passages are there and unadulterated. Again, the point I was trying to convey has got a little bit lost on the way here I think. I'm not debating Jesus etc. I'm saying that after his time on Earth, someone has decided to not listen to many things in the bible (stoning etc) and has convinced fellow Christians to think in a similar fashion, as many today do. Now, I don't know the facts involving this but I'm fairly sure the people who resulted in these things being ignored were 1) Not Jesus 2) Not God 3) Had no direct contact/conversation/visit etc with or from God. So who is to say that following the Bible in such a way is a Christian thing to do?
  19. Good point. However I still feel that there is too much picking and choosing, even taking into account any inaccuracies caused by mistranslation etc. Yeah but people don't exactly use the idea of raping someone as a metaphor for getting to know them. I didn't mean Jesus. I mean that at some point in time, a religious leader and a group of other religious types have decided to dismiss parts of the Bible and would clearly deem many of the actions in the Bible wrong if performed today.
  20. Truth. I find it hard to accept that some Christian's can believe in God, accept his might and power and take the Bible as his teachings for the way we should live. But instead of following all of the teachings within the Bible, many (probably very near 100%) Christians have seen things in the Bible which they don't want to do, so have glossed over them and ignored them. You can call this, evolving religion etc but there's one problem with that one. Did God personally turn around and say, "Oh, you don't have to do those bits anymore!" or "Actually, I think we'll just take this story as a metaphor for how you should live." Nope. didn't think so. A man, a mortal man, turned around and said, "Come fellow Christians, followers of God and the Bible. Lets just do the nice things in the Bible!" You cannot say the religion has evolved when it's based on the word of a God but that word and his teachings have been altered by people other than a deity.
  21. Just remembered about this video I had favorited in my Youtube. Nothing groundbreaking and nothing too insightful but wortha watch if you're bored
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