Indeed; if the bible is a book of metaphors and hidden meanings, then the descriptions of life after death must also be metaphors. Has it been considered that the Bible is in fact teaching that how we live our lives is how we will be remembered? Perhaps, instead of eternal salvation, the real meaning is that if we live lives of peace, we shall be remembered well. If we live lives of lies and deceit, we will be remembered as bad people and how we will be remembered for eternity will be as people demonic in character?
As far as I'm concerned, you can't just pick and choose what you want to take literally and what is metaphor. In my eyes, trying to rationalise Bible stories and twist them so they make sense is an obvious indication that the human's naturally logical and methodical mind does not agree with the Bible. I'm fairly sure that as general education standards grow and people naturally become more logical, the popularity of religion will fall.