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Everything posted by ManxTrialSpaz

  1. Just bought Entrance Presents High Contrast. IMO, absolutely no album fillers here. For example, track that's playing at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB_T1X_6-hw
  2. Stapler and the ball point pen. Wouldn't bother patenting any area other than the US to be honest. I imagine I'd be rolling in it from that.
  3. Yeah, I did consider it may be the other way around. We shall see.
  4. Nah, 'Locke''s definitely a bad guy. In the cave with the white stone and black stone in perfect balance on those scales. Fairly sure that represents the good vs evil balance, and 'Locke' threw the white stone (good) out to sea.
  5. I think that coursework may well get the better of me in getting the grades I need for my first choice uni, which a bit shit. Question is, will I get shot in Surrey?
  6. It was a bit of a confused and convoluted reply but in short, why does there need to be a creator of life? Why can it just not have happened? And I was basically just asking for your reply not to refer to intelligent design.
  7. I see you've preemptively blocked the "Why does man have to have a creator" argument by bringing in "necessary beings". Sorry but no. In what is essentially a scientific process vs religion debate, you cannot argue by using something that only appears in religion*. So without referring to philosophical ideas why must man (or life as a broader spectrum) need a creator? * Given this, I suppose you could argue the reverse and claim it unfair for the atheists to defend their views with rational thinking and actual proofs (giggle)
  8. Dunno, because he asked "What happened?" at the end there. Surely if it was Jacob, he'd know what was going on.
  9. How's a man supposed to wait another week? That second episode has just started teasing with answers
  10. Dunno on that one. AFAIK, port forwarding should eliminate any NAT problems. The only thing I could suggest would be fiddling with the xbox settings. Perhaps enter the network info manually?
  11. Network Address Translation is not really the same as 'network' But generally, problems like that are NAT problems. My Netgear has recently started going from open to closed NAT types as per xbox live's diagnosis. Do you know what type of router you have? We can always start with port forwarding and go from there.
  12. Was talking to someone at work today who's in a small-time band. He said his band does Bryan Adam's song and the like - the kinda things you'd expect. But then he said they play Paranoid. Bitch, please. Cannot ever cover a voice like Ozzy. Especially in Paranoid. I also second that Sweet Child O' Mine can never be covered. However, an example of covers being better than the original: The Ataris - Boys of Summer. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  13. Indeed; if the bible is a book of metaphors and hidden meanings, then the descriptions of life after death must also be metaphors. Has it been considered that the Bible is in fact teaching that how we live our lives is how we will be remembered? Perhaps, instead of eternal salvation, the real meaning is that if we live lives of peace, we shall be remembered well. If we live lives of lies and deceit, we will be remembered as bad people and how we will be remembered for eternity will be as people demonic in character? As far as I'm concerned, you can't just pick and choose what you want to take literally and what is metaphor. In my eyes, trying to rationalise Bible stories and twist them so they make sense is an obvious indication that the human's naturally logical and methodical mind does not agree with the Bible. I'm fairly sure that as general education standards grow and people naturally become more logical, the popularity of religion will fall.
  14. Just got 35 -1 on Wasteland domination and only died because at the very end of the game I ran into radiation when I ran around a tank. What a load of bs. Shitty radiation slowing me down.
  15. Had some funny games last night. Decided to get the tac knife and when I did, went on FFA. So many people get pissed off. Had a couple of angry messages from an Irish guy after a bit of abuse over the game chat. Well worth the sub par K:D ratio.
  16. Will listen to it in a sec but what's the title supposed to be? Edit: I'm guessing it's supposed to be 'we'. Sounding good so far. Impressed, good tune
  17. Chase & Status. Booring.
  18. You could but apparently, the games section they were previously in has disappeared.
  19. ManxTrialSpaz


    Of course they would - in the same way that Jade Goody got a media makeover from the retard she was to some kind of cancer queen. Newspapers try their best to try and not upset their readers and as such often find themselves having escalate things - such as over reporting every new death in great detail and rendering the man a hero. I can agree with marching for, and honoring civilian casualties but I am against Islam4UK's motives. The BBC article has a quote And to me that shows they have a misplaced idea of how important Islam and Muslim views are in Britain and they want their march to cause maximum offense. And with that, I would happily tell them to f**k off.
  20. My slippers bloody amazing. First thing on my feet in the day and last thing off.
  21. There's an awful lot of nazis on this site isn't there?
  22. Smash Michael Caine on that list too; he's quite old nowadays
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