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Everything posted by MattB

  1. I'm with rick. Would much rather ride something different than the same old stuff. Think we should just head up hospital area and see what we find
  2. I can only see 1 picture
  3. Phat pads. Running mine on a smooth rim atm and they work the nuts. Very loud and lods of bite. Plus I've been using em for easily over a year now. Work even better if you grind. Can get em off Phat Mike on here.
  4. For the sake of a few grams get a stronger build ad. Can shred the weight elsewhere if it is really important.
  5. Part from the rocks, the trials park depending on how much you value your bike ect. Anybody ever ventured into southend east/thorpe bay area?
  6. Is it friday or sat. Friday I'm game but not saturday. Buses = fail
  7. Trains are crap on top of not wanting to get up early. Dunoooooo just call me a bit before you all meet so i have time to get there.
  8. Someone call me in the morning and i'll meet you somewhere
  9. This is gonna be awsome. Hopefully get a travelodge booked soon. If I've not sorted a car out for then, whats the nearest station unless blamans driving .
  10. Yep saturday afternoon/evening. Is anyones up for going ipswich on sunday?
  11. Water and Muc off. Works a treat. I only clean it when it gets really dirty. Which isn't often seeing as I hate riding in the mud.
  12. Can't wait. The last one was awsome and this looks set to be even better. Wanna book the accomadation asap so if anyone knows of some cheap places to stay let me know .
  13. I may be out saturday but later on in the day. Where you riding sunday?
  14. Yeah go for it. Even if i will be the only mod rider lol. Rick how you getting there?
  15. Yeah should be there. Where you meeting and what time?
  16. Not ridden clacton in ages. Count me in .
  17. Gaps onto handrails. Scare the crap outta me. Dunno why cos the gaps are easy. Best get practising .
  18. Think were getting to fenchurch for about 10.40 so could meet you at liverpool st?
  19. Think its me. you, a mysterious ninja, jack and few others going from southend area. Gonna be an epic 2 days.
  20. Think it's about £9 return. You might get group save or something along them lines?
  21. Trials now Who from southend is going on the Saturday?
  22. Nah don't worry bout it. We have had 10 plus on the train before. As long as people can walk up and down without having to climb a mountain of bikes they'll be fine. Its not busy either at weekends.
  23. Ian riding again? Should be able to do some riding as well.
  24. Stuck on the same bit. Did get through the underground bit once by throwing loads of smoke and going nuts with the flamethrower. Soon died in the mortar pit though lol.
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