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Everything posted by nmt_oli

  1. nmt_oli

    Texas Holdem'

    Split pot- the fact hes using his two rather than the two on the table is irelevant, unless your playing to a rule where you have to use one of your cards, in which case it would be full house vs. two pair, king high.
  2. nmt_oli

    Mini Advice

    Have a read through this: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=67094 and this: http://www.theminiforum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=645 Basically, get the most solid car body work wise that you can (no the one that looks the best with the most shiney bits, its amazing what a cheap respray and some chrome goodies can mask). Rust is the biggest problem on minis, mechanicals are piss easy to fix, body work not so.
  3. I got that from PC world for £210 Great screen, only complaint i have is the stand has gone a bit funny. screen only points varying degress of down now, not up at all, have to wedge it up Is VESA mountable though, so can make a new stand.
  4. Oh, learnt this off a pub landlord i know- if you want to relive the worcester sauce crisps, or want proper ones, heres an idea for you! Take one packet of ready salted and one bottle of worcester sauce. Open packet, liberally sprinkle sauce into packet, hold packet closed and shake. Enjoy.
  5. They even had a warning about that on the packet!
  6. Hes right! and my golf has STIFF suspension! An the MG meastro turbo is a seriously underated car.
  7. I can point you in the direction of someone selling a mk3 GT squareback.
  8. My opinion of you has just gone down I fail to see how someone cannot find a mini fun! Corsas are chavy. full stop. I fail to see how there "easy to modify" the only easy to modify bits ive seen for them are bolt on lights ect, or gay body kits. I know its possible to do engine convversions and stuff, but the base car is nowhere near what a VW will be. You wil lhave to spend as much as you do on a mini to make it properly quick and handle well. VWs i prefer, you can chav them up if thats what your into, you can go euro, or you can go oem+, they seem to have more options when it comes to mods. Engine swaps seem to have more variety too, and there dead easy to work on- no to mention solid cars. If you get a mk2 golf, 13s may not work, it doesnt work on many mk2s IMO.
  9. I run the thin KMC cool, seems to be apopular chouice on pro gaurds
  10. They are good, i use them for temp insurance on my dads cars and such. My rents also use them now. Nick and i are with HIC however- AWESOME, but you have to be over 19. Specialise in minis/classics/modified. 2nd car discount, agreed values, the works. Im on £605 for my golf, all declared. will go up slightly when i put an agreed value on it in a few weeks. Nicks on ~£900 for his audi, and £205 for his mini as 2nd car, EVERYTHING (minus his remap) declared.
  11. I expect the extraction fan to be slightly more efficient however- the air velocity will surely be slower due to larger piping, and ti will be runnign on an AC motor, and have proper design put into it. I don't doubt this can shift a fair amount of air, but with a pidly fan like that, it couldnt maintain a pressure more than a couple of PSI above what there, if any. Even if it does create boost, most ECUs will get VERY confused, since its only activating at full throtle, and not progressive like tubos and super chargers(which also have ECUs designed to cope with such fluctuating airflows). Incorect fueling can seriously damage engines, and its not worth the risk. If you want bolt on power, get Nitrous Oxide. Its well proven, safe if installed properly and gives good power gains.
  12. www.edition38.com is prob the best general one. UK based too. Vortex seems busy, but i never got on with it so well, seems to be lots of americans on there. Then theres no-rice.com too. Cheers!
  13. Long time no update! run out of time this easter so not taking car back to uni with me just yet, which is a shame, but i may as well do everything in one hit. doing coursework tonight, and need to tidy up and get glass back in tommorow before i go back to uni, just in case it rains. It is looking a bit more car like now though. Pictures say more than words: boot is on, with glass, lock, plinth and spoiler. Was even working. then put the struts on, the the striker catches on the underside of the boot. obviously the shunt has pushed the striker upwards. Will eb fun to fix, dont want to take a hammer to the rear panel for fear of filler falling. taken a hammer to a spare striker, nearly worked. put plates under boot hinges, got it closer. May need to take a hammer to where the latch mounts on the boot lid me thinks. New tyres on porka rims today.
  14. And a wirign harness too, while audi use ISO size plugs, the wires arent in the right places, so funny things can happen when you just plug an aftermarket stereo in. OEM is prob easier all round biggy.
  15. Went back down to the car, just got back! boot is on, with screen, spoiler and plinth ect. Was working until i put the boot lifters on, and they must have iether moved it on its mounts slightly or just stretched it, as it now doesnt close. grrr! I really don't like the fact i crashed my car! things don't line up properly at all. got the lip on the bumper, and rested the bumper on the car. looks good. The rear lights look AMAZING with the flat black paint, theres something about the combo which just strikes you. Getting there, although it wont be ready for me to take back to uni
  16. Patience has got the better of me today i tell thee! grrrr. new boot doesnt close, i cocked up the wiring for it, cant ge the lower lip to clip onto front bumper, new paint reacting with old paint on rear bumper, bonnet doesnt shut- probably because of new bonnet lifters, so they will probably have to go. Overall, got sod all done because of all the problems. One very unhappy Oli.
  17. Got some money now, german plates ordered!
  18. nmt_oli

    Lara Croft

    Isnt the door under the stairs? Im sure i found it, it was just never open. Never found the secret bit. Good game though.
  19. Primered where ive fillered. rubbed everything down with 800 grit wet to take of the shine and make sure the surface is clean. Then removed all dust. should key the paint in enough. If anywhere does flake, il just rub it back and put another coat on. Thats the great thign abotu the flat colour, easy to match, no polishing. If someone keys it, il just get the spray can out! All rubber seals are out, so there will be paint underneath them, so less chance of flaking around those.
  20. Rattle cans for the win!!!!!!!! Halfords satin black, 500ml. Got abotu 8 of them now, used 3 doing the first coat on the roof, bonnet, wings and inside of new tailgate. Hopefully will have the rest of the car done tomorrow. Looks great from a distance, but imperfections up close. oh well, it was never going to be a full on show car, and will be used as a daily so no biggy really. looks much better than it did though, looks very mean with the flat black paint. Can't wait to ge the big bumpers on, will be ordering smoked headlights ASAP too, to go with these: Pissed off with flys though, they fly past when yoru spraying, get intoxicated and land in the wet paint! grr! I was feeling pretty light headed after colour coding stuff in the work shop lol. Spray cans and confined spaces! All masked up: Tailgate: Gloss spolier: First coat of gloss on the grille:
  21. Very euro. looks quite good on the 13s too, mot many mk2s look good on 13s IMO. Nicely done. Quick update from me: "Luke, I am your Father."
  22. Oh god, i got the amp and sub of nick as a swap for bike parts, had the other amp already. Also had the Comps for ages, as they were to go in my mini. Also had the HU already, at that was for the mini. O bought the JBL 6x4s at RRP, £25 i think. Cabling, ive got about £100 worth, cause i used branded audio stuff. 3x RCAs 1x massive 4 gauge power cable, 2x very high quality speaker wire runnign the entire length of the car. Ive got a power cap to add in now too. There is a thread on talk audio about how to get cheap cabling. It involves using home stuff, makign your own RCAs, and using some welding earth lead i think for power.
  23. Heres a demo of the sound deadening stuff:
  24. Right, since last update: much more filler work done, even if it doesnt look it! Rear panel is nearly there, shoule only be a couple more hours work. Front is pretty much done, just all needs flatting down for paiting. Still got to finish the doors, and half the roof. Also made a LOT of pregress with sound proofing. Have been staying at the car till abotu 10pm, when it gets dark stop sanding and crack on with the sound deadening! Heres some pics! this might get some interest, feel free to ask questions!
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