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Everything posted by nmt_oli

  1. I think these pics sum that up quite nicely: The rest are just plain amusing:
  2. There about everywhere atm! nothing to worry about. We bad one casually wander across our hall the other day, barely fit in a pint glass. Mum doesnt like em that much so put it outside. Our dogs shit scared of em though, hilarious!
  3. If you think you'll want a car, then DONT BOTHER with a scooter, its just a waste of money. unless you live SERIOUSLY in the middle of nowhere, you don't need it either. I survived with my pushbike for an extra year on top of most people as i couldnt even get a provisional till i was 18 for medical reasons. If you like motorbikes, and want to ride them in the future, then fair enough, try and find a decent 2nd hand geared 50 and have some fun.
  4. Youd be surprised! ive seen a few blinged up baseball cap wearing most likely chavs in STs. they just save the doll for a bit longer, and have another kid to get more benifits.
  5. As the pashly is steel, you will either need to polish regularly, or laquer to prevent rusitng.
  6. http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php
  7. nmt_oli

    New Tattoos

    confused! glow in the dark: stores energy by absorbing EM radiation in the form of light, emits it again as light. UV reactive/reflective: absorbs UV, and emits it as a colour we can see. Does not however store any energy.
  8. why not use the puncture repair rubber glue to glue the sole together?
  9. Fat pants beat me to it! Just propose! no need to actually get married in the near future, just be engaged.
  10. I rode one on a velodrome two weekends ago, and i have to say, while kinda fun, i would never ride one on the road, even with brakes. I forgot a few times and tried to coast and it nearly kicks you off the bike. spds are a must i think, do really help.
  11. go to the website and find the user manual. the amount of oil is usually given as a height from the top of the stantion, when compressed with no springs if i remember correctly. At least thats how it was with my single crowns.
  12. i just don't get on with long bikes, they don't feel right to me. I like my leeson and although the most trials specific bike ive had (the only one i cant sit on whilst riding) its still similar to a normal MTB as you say, so switching from it to my get around rig, or XC rig is nice and easy.
  13. I know exactly what you mean, i accosiate a lot of paticular songs with certain events in my life, kind of a memory aid. its cool though, as i can put together wicked complelations and remember old times.
  14. nmt_oli


    its been like that in previous years, and if they had more evenign entertainment, then there would be less people getting pissed by tents lighting fires. Just one warehosue thing this year for entertainment, and a half arsed bar. previous years theyve had massive outdoor stage, drum+bass tent, and more.
  15. nmt_oli


    I am back. was a good laugh, but still seriously disapointing compared to previous years. no trials, no dirt jumping, no bsx, less exhibitors, generally a bit crap. That is not funny! depending who you hear it from, the guy is critical in hospital/died in hospital. All he was doing was squirting ketchup around on people, someone punched him and he fell and hit his head on a rock.
  16. I thought the H&S was brought into this debate as part of the whole "society of today" thing rather than the smokign specific part, but yeah, you make good points.
  17. petrol is a bit confusing. if you have an empty tank you can get condensation rusting the inside of the tank, if you leave it full the petrol can degrade so you need to drain the tank. after 9 months you should be ok though, our vans been sat with half a tank for a yeah or so and still starts. not too little time though, gotta warm the exaust up otherwise condensation will rot it from the inside out.
  18. nmt_oli


    sweet nick, il give you a ring when i get there. i will try and get there pretty early.
  19. And possibly spigot rings to get them centred correctly.
  20. nmt_oli


    maybe, but we can try. hopefully the rain will deter a few of the day visitors who were intending to pay on the gate, which should make things a bit quieter. things usualy get quiet late in the day too, coudl do a sesh then maybe.
  21. no email as yet. il go log in again and see whats up with the order.orders still there, estimated shipping date yesturday, and estimated delivery date today!nothing else though. just confirm its been sent or anything.
  22. If its for a disk wheel, it certainly wont be radial. My favorite pair of wheels ive built were half 3 x and half radial. Black spokes, silver hubs, black rims with silver machined braking surfaces. looked mean as. They were for an XC rig though, shame it got stolen.
  23. Woah! chill! I do understand H&S is there for a reason, and is generally a good thing. I didn't back it up as i rpesumed people would relise what i was saying, but obviously not, this is the internet afterall. What i think is a joke abotu H&S is that most of it is just general common sense - something this coutry seems to have a big lack of at the moment, and some of it is getting really very silly- conkers being an obvious example. I also think my trafalgar 07 thingy shows what i mean quite well two. You shoudl be able to asses danger to a certain extent yourself, and decide whether an action is safe or not. you shouldnt need to be told EVERYTHING.
  24. A friend of mine printed various swear words and insults on several pieces of A4 paper, in very big writing, then slipped them into printers at about one every 10 pages. Really pissed people off who were printing coursework!
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