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Everything posted by nmt_oli

  1. Right, since my loan is approved (just waiting for it to arrive now!) i have put some wanted adds up for a 2litre bottom end, and some ARBs. my golfys going to get a kick up the arse at christmas. Better get this lab report finsihed so i can get my dremel out and start opening out and polishing these bike carbs!
  2. YES! we NEED this! And i will need to get my arse in gear and get a light flywheel, and some eibach ARBs for golfy! 16v on bike carbs, here we come!
  3. Im getting good and economy driving my motor with all my pizza delivery if im delivering, i NEVER use the 2nd choke on the carb, and never go above 3.5k. try not to use the brakes either, all about slow and smooth. mine still drinks like a fish if i give it the beans though! probably used as much fuel giving it a blast along my new favourite country road on the way home at the weekend, than i did on the whole evenigns pizza delivery. Motorway driving is cool too. i have seen up to 45 mpg if im careful Sorry simon, but i would bet £50 that nicks audi would beat yours on a track, even if it had the same power! I COULD NOT believe how well it cornered now hes fitted his ARBs. I had a sore neck, and i actually had to hold my head round a roundabout as it hurt so much!
  4. Believe him hes not kidding! it hurts to think his fecking turbo monster uses the same amount of fuel as my 1.6 mk2!
  5. Que prawn: "20v pwn all your 16v n00000000bz. Nigggga."
  6. I have not freddo! hopefully i will be getting my 16v in my golf asap over christmas. Got a little roadtrip planned for new years!
  7. Hence why im upgrading freddo. Youve been out in my golf though, and you know its surprising for what it is! Im just bored now! and fed up of having to drop to 4th to overtake on the motorway. My engine would certainly be a world apart from a standard 1.3.
  8. Shock horror most of my female friends are attractive! I really should stop making friends with girls and start asking them out lol.
  9. 3rd form the right, in the jeans. on the right
  10. I used to love "correcting the stock file"! oh look, this "insert item here" shows 4 on the computer, there are 5 on the shelf, better correct that!
  11. caddy = mk1 front rallye =mk2 front therefore, its very hard and need lots of mods, so is very uncommon. rallye fronts have been put on mk1s though. almost a waste now though, as rallye fronts are getting pretty rare (up to £400 for a good one! rediculous!)
  12. should be able to class it as a 1.6 gl webber is a direct replacement, using std airbox, cam is a VAG item, exaust is VAG stuff. an assesor isnt going to pay them special attention.
  13. looks perfectly clean to me! just needs 10mins washing up! Seriously, that IS NOT dirty.
  14. I used to be a Bikehut monkey, then an Audio guy, then a parts guy! lol. I could do pretty much anything in the store by the time i left lol. If your working with ok people, its not too bad. I remember i spent a whole 2 days straight (and worked closed hours overtime inbetween) sorting the warehouse once, made such a good job of it, the manager let me have 2 ex display bucket seats for £25! sweet! (worth nearly £500!).
  15. Sounds tasty robin. I will be putting the KR and bike carbs in mine over christmas, if you wanna come over we can stick my 1.6 in yours if you like! instant 99bhp/104ft lbs.
  16. Some good tips in here! I love Lidl! some real good value stuff. I did one £50 shop in lidl, and one £20 in tesco at the beginining of term, so ive gone 5 weeks, and only bought bred/milk/bannanas/yogurts/chocolate from the local co-op, so about a fiver a week on that. Think thats worked out pretty well. Tend to buy lunch most days though, really need to stop that, that gets expensive quick (£3 odd a day, thats £15 a week!) I have to say, ive been working as a delivery driver for dominoes for the last 3 weeks, and it is actually a great student job. I work thursday, friday and every other saturday nights. 5.50pm till either they dont need me any more, or closing time (stop orders at 12, tend to leave about 1). Ive been trying to stay late to get mroe money. Its £5.50 an hour, £1 for every delivery you do (to cover petrol/tax/mot), they supply business insurance while your working, and you get tips too. Last night, i worked till close, so 7 hours. thats £38.50. I did 22 deliveries, thats £22 and got £8 in tips. So, at the end of the night i got £30 cash in hand to take home, a free large pizza for dinner, and £38.50 will be in my bank account in 2 weeks time! (paid every 2 weeks). I used way less than a tenner of fuel, so made over £60 in one night! bargain! Tonight was a bit quieter, took £20 home, and stayed till close. still got a free dinner though!
  17. Darkplace is AMAZING! FACT! Watched the whole series back to back last year.
  18. Got one on my car! not for sale until the new engine goes in though (christmas). In fact the whole lump will prob be for sale (100k 1.6 EZ, GTi cam, decoked head, Webber DMTL, 15k old clutch, std box). In the mean time, heres how to fix the pierburg! coutesy of jonny!
  19. nmt_oli


    Also, if thats 77 on your car speedo, youl be fine! you were prob only doing 72 real. They always overread a little (yes even from factory, there designed too!).
  20. I def agree with you there poopipe. I think some one it may also be to do with the "girl next door" syndrome, a more realistic girl will be more atractive than a perfect/airbrushed unobtainable one. I also tend to find on a night out around uni, i don't find all the girls in high heels and short skirts wearing as little as possible the most attractive, yeah, there nice for a quick pervy glance, but otherwise, il leave em to the drunk guys who will pull/grope anything with skin on show. I always find the quiter ones who leave something to the imagination interest me far more.
  21. 2 litre bottom end is a dirt cheap swap, £50 should see you a good bottom end i fyou do enough searching, then its a direct swap. all youl need is a headgeasket set and an engine hoist. good time to renew bits and bobs though, so will prob end up a couple of hundred all in. The eaton conversion that has been done on my new project looks like its been done pretty cheap, the inlet manifold and all the braketry has been welded up with a mig. labour intensive, and creative, but cheap. I will end up spending more getting bits made up nicer. not a common conversion (infact, i think mine is the only one of its kind) so info is hard to find on this. G60 is a good conversion, can be hard to find and isnt exactly cheap though. can be reliability issues with the charger too. VR6 gives a lovely engine noise, pretty common swap now. donor engnes are pretty expensive, exaust set up can be awkward, and its quite a heavy lump- can affect handling. 20vt is one of the best conversions performance wise, can be done from £1000 (if your very lucky) up to 4k usually.
  22. There is no such a car! all valvers are 1.8 or 2 litre. All mk2 valvers are 1.8 as standard. Unfortunately theres nothing particularly cheap. A good service, and making sure all the sensors and idle control valve and what not are working and correctly set will help if the enignes not on form, but that will only get you back to factory power. a set of KR cams if its not a kr will see you a few horses. A 4-2-1 manifold and decent exaust, andong with a modifed airbox and k&n panel will prob see you reasonable gains. next step would be a 2litre bottom end. then aftermarket cams (getting expensive now) You could ditch the injection and go carbs, lots of power potential, but not great fuel economy, and may not be that cheap. Im planning on running a 1.8 16v KR on yamaha bike carbs. hopeing to see 165-170 hp, but there wont be bucket loads of torque (something you do get with a turbo conversion, and to a lesser extent a 2.0 litre bottom end. Im also panning a 2.0 litre 16v with an eaton super charger, hoping for 200+ horses from that, and with good torque values. Still wont be 20vt power (or even 16vt power) but it will be considerably cheaper.
  23. You can, but the selection is limited. OEM stuff is pre 90s spec arch kit (very small increase in width, more protective trim) , post 90 spec kit (slightly wider than the pre 90, but not a lot, maybe 5mm) and G60 kit which is a 90 spec kit with wide arches. these are 7mm at the rear and 22mm at the front wider than 90spec arches. that means the most your realistically going to get is an inch over the std panel width. Botling anything else on looks wrong. You also have to take into account wheel to arch contact when lowering. extensions are great, but you still have a rubbing problem underneath them. arch rolling helps. the problem i have is these wheels are 8" wide, and will be runnign an effective offset of -5. Std wheels are 5.5" wide, with effective offset of 22. basically the utside lip will stick out about 60mm further than std wheels. Thats a long way. And i am going to have rubbing problems, as there 16" rims. custom metal archwork would be different, and look damn cool i think. Wheels sticking out isnt an mot failure, but is illegal. Thats technically not quite right though, the wheel can stick out as far as you like, as long as the tyre tread doesnt- hence stretching tyres.
  24. hence why i saiid there a bit too wide! 7.5 would be what i would be looking for. Might have to get a quote from widewheels, they are now a proper banding company. Machine welded, supply certificates with wheels too. Its either that, or making my teledials into splits. carl austin can't do it, so im now in research mode for various different pre existing lips. trying to find out about BBS rm lips first. will then have to get a tyre off a wheel, and measure things up, see if its possible. then its machine shop time. New wheels arrived for golf2, there BIG! gonna get the tyres off tomorrow, then test fit one onto my car and see just how far they stick out to see if its going to be feasable. Would like them under g60 arches, but think that would be too much tyre stretch. will probably have to weld up custom metal arches to run a decent tyre size.
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