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Everything posted by nmt_oli

  1. You see, i dont like those wheels Si. There good on that car, but i dotn think theyl suit mine. Heres a selection of wheel i like: "place your bets..... NOW!" The ones Si Likes! G60 Steels, Silver G60 steels, black Ronal Turbos BBS ATS Cup Porsche
  2. Just go to your school and ask. They prob just file all the uncolected ones in a draw for a while. I know i didnt colelct my a level certificates until i applied for my 2nd uni (after dropping out of the first year at the first one lol) as they needed certificates, which the first uni didnt. I didnt even realised i hadnt picked em up till i checked my paperwork and only had my GCSE ones.
  3. BUMP! well, a plan has been hatched to do a quick rework of my golf in the easter break, kinda pimp my ride stlye in the fact that so much will be changed, but will be much more tasteful than pimp my ride. Interior: Fully sound deaden car refit interior using new black carpets (current ones are grey) New centre console, customised to take stereo where ashtray should be. Fit leather front seats im pickingup this week Make fit and trim sub box for the other side of my boot, that matches my amp rack. Replace switch lights with LEDs, and cluster lights with LEDs Fit Black door cards Exterior: clean, remove glass, rub down existing paintwork and sort all rust spots/dents. de wiper new tailgate Spray with matt black! refit glass and exterior trim (bumpers, arches, side strips ect. which wil hopefully have been smoothed and painted gloss black) Poss fit new wheels (in negotiation for some rather interesting ones, see below) Sit back and admire Ghetto golf now its proper rat, a opposed to tatty! I may be able to part ex my current wheels, for a set of porsche teledials in 15" with correct spacer/adaptors. I just had to dubmod them as i didnt think theyd look right on the car, but they do. i rather like them. Opinions please:
  4. I would love that if i fitted an alarm, but doesn't work so well on carbed engines with a manual choke!
  5. Ive got a great valentines evening planned, despite being single! Off to no-rice VW meet, picking up a few tasty treats for my car! Hmmm leather seats.
  6. luckily thats not the site im using. ive justread through its terms and conditions, and while similar, are nowere near as bad. to be honest, i really dont care. its worth a go, the adress ive used is a diff email to what i normally use, and the postal adress is my uni halls, which il be moving out of in june, so it doesnt bother me!
  7. Thats awesome! id love to see some other cars go throuhg half that stuff lol!
  8. 2nd rule of life: If you don't try youl neer succeed. this ones worth ago. And btw, you wouldnt catch me with an ipod either- but you can choose what you want! x box 360, laptop, satnav, nintendo ds, even £200 in a paypal account. Im loosing nothing apart from a few minutes of my time, and may get £200. If it doesnt work, it doesnt work!
  9. Click Me Seems good enough to me! if you do sign up, go for the blockbuster offer- its free, and you can cancel it once its been confirmed!
  10. Ive only just read through this thread, and that so so so could have been written aimed at me lol. Infact, was that aimed at me? P.s i believe the pics are still floating aroudn the forum somewhere!
  11. Since your in pompey, come for the big ride on sunday and get to know all the locals. we will be able to help you out, with your bike set up and advise you. if you want to give it a go on your current rig, good for you! nick 'Prawn' grabbed my get around bike (also a clasud butler lol) off me the other day and started riding it like a trials bike, that guy can ride anything!
  12. Even though im in the middle of my exams (everyone else seems to have finished!!! gayness in the extreme) I will be attending both days, need a good ride, and havent ridden soton for far far far too long.
  13. Most likely, if he can get good mid response from his front speaker locations. My homemade pods definately need some stuffing, sealing and deadening behind, as now ive fiddled a bit with new HU, im getting much more mid kick out of them, and the enclosure isnt helping the sound one bit. Where are the std front and rear locations in a 206? what size speaker can you fit as std? Most likely the front doors will need deadening to get the best response from the speaker, if thats the location. If the rear speakersare door (or if 3 door, quater panel) mounted then yes i completely agree, they will be useless (mine are either side of the parcel shelf, much more audiable up there).
  14. Fair points, il give you that. I can personally tick some of the things youve listed there, and the ones i cant tick i don't actually want to do (except travel more than i have done, which is currently in planning stages).
  15. But what are you going to do once youve got all that stuff smo? I like having things to aim towards, its a geat feeling when you get there, and reach your goals. If someone gives you all that money, and by doing so gives you everything youve ever wanted, is that really going to make you happy? I like the fact that i have worked towards most of my stuff. Meh, maybe im not reading this right, have the exact conditions been defined yet? are any sexual activities permitted? While it is most definately possible to have a very good time without actually engaging in intercourse itsself, there is somehting about the act that with the right person is quite simply incredible.
  16. Wev'e had the rear speaker debate before i believe, so lets not get to into that. I personally prefer my small rear speakers, and others have agreed when ive faded them out and back in. Due to speaker placement in my car, sub seperation on some tracks is annoyingly noticeable with no rear speakers.
  17. Well said that man. I have to say, no matter how much money you offer me, i wouldnt do it. Sure money could set me up for life, and buy all the things i ever wanted, but then, what exactly do i have to live for? There would be no aim, no dreams, no ambition to strive towards. I am lucky enough to have experienced sex, both in the whole casual style and in the full on intensly deep passionate and intimate love making, I have had some truely incredible experiences, and i know when i meet someone who i really do love, there will be more great moments, that is one of the things i have to live for. If your seriously considering giving up sex for a big wad of cash, you havent experienced great sex.
  18. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=83809 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=87638 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=82218 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=73949 Have a skim through those, i seem to remember some fairly detailed stuff coming up in previous posts. 1st, make sure your HU is good and up to scratch, if you want amps, sub and speakers, you want at least 2 sets of preouts, i would only settle for 3 sets (front, rear, non fading/dedicated mono sub). Either, front components + sub + 4 chan amp, or Front comps + rear speakers + sub + 2+4 chan amps, is the usual combination. I personally have a Pioneer HU, feeding a 4 channel JBl amp which powers my front 6" infinity components, and rear factory replacement JBL coaxs. I also have a 2 channel amp, bridged, powering my 10" JBL sub. High quality wiring is used throughout, and it does sound very good. All i need to do now is soundproofing/sound deadening as the car rattles with the base, and at motorway speeds i need the stereo loud. My set up surprises a lot of people.
  19. It is a very tempting offer, il give you that, but being in halls the first year is a really good idea, as you tend to meet many more freinds. Other than that, i think most things have been covered.
  20. nmt_oli

    Clutch Costs?

    depending on how hard it is /how long it will take, between £150 and £350 including parts. the clutch for my golf was £30, and i fitted it myself! took ages, and was a proper bitch to do.
  21. At the end of the day, its your head, your choice. I value my head, and always wear a helmet! Ive Craked 2 now, so i am glad ive had them. Without them id hate to think what would have happened, could have been a bad headache, but i could also have died! I've already got epilepsy, i don't want any more things going wrong in my head!
  22. right, the 'bent' bit is just a bearing cover, and pushes onto the cone. can easily be straightened. support the washer either side, and tap the cone lightly with a hammer to straighten. The cone looks in OK condition, but with some bad pits. make sure you use plenty of grease when you reassemble, and dont overtighten the axle. lock the cones off well too.
  23. There wasnt much sympathy, as he was ok tori! If he had faceplanted the wall, there would be sympathy a plenty! Nick and craig were really concerened when i landed flat on my back. Anyway, back to the OP, yeah, goign to the police would have been the better option if you had his reg plate, but now hes given you money and you lied to him, it could come out worse against you.
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