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Everything posted by nmt_oli

  1. The disks can be thinner than when they were new, up to an allowed tolerance, but if they are scored as your description suggests, definately buy new. will much improve the braking, and increase the life of your new pads.
  2. nmt_oli


    Im currently using a photographic tripod to hold a car headlight, which is attached to a spare car battery. Wonderful work light.
  3. No, not every undersea earthquake causes a tsunami. The earthquake/landslip will create a wave. The size of the wave depends on the size of the earthquake. The wave will start out large, but whether it becomes a tsunami depends on where it originates. If it originated in an elclosed sea, or it is travelling into a funnel shape coast or a channel, then it will cause a tsunami as it cannot disapte its energy any other way. as they wave aproaches shallow water it will grow and break. It the wave can travel unhindered across an ocean for thousands of miles, it will widen and disperse becoming smaller, and will not pose a threat. By measuring the depth of snow at various points on a mountain, you can find any abnormal collections of snow, or a lot of snow on a steep slope. the measurements can be used in calculations to determine the probability of an avalanche. Cant answer the others im afraid, but hopefully those will help.
  4. I get a lot of stuff from scrappies, but brakes and tyres are two areas you should definately buy new if at all possible, and replace in pairs! they are key safety features. My only exception to this is tyres on 2nd hanb wheels. Other consumables such as filters would also be stupid to get from scrappies. more mechanical parts, or body parts are a definate scrappy buy!
  5. "For sale: 3x Audi RS6 alloys, 1x blue drivers door, 1x blue tailgate, Rear light clusters , front drivers side headlight." EDIT: could prob salvage grille, drivers seat, rear brakes, and 2 doorcards too lol!
  6. Its not like he intended to crash it fred! Ok he was prob going to fast for the conditions, but looking at that road, he could have just been caught out by mud or something! it happens.
  7. Perfect donor car for some wild project right there!
  8. My god frenchy! Sex on wheels! And i thought my bike was pimped
  9. Maybe, maybe not. I do not doubt some people have had success with them, ust liek people have had success with a lot of other hubs. Have you seen the inside of a king? the way it works is completely unique and beautifully engineeried, thats without mentioning kings std surgical grade SS bearings, brilliant waranty and service. Nope, 2x 5mm allen keys and my kings apart as much as i need it to be for most maintenance. Plus i dont have pawls and springs flying everywhere!
  10. I would get insurance -says the guy who still doesn't atm- however, finding good cover at a reasnoble price is hard! I tried E and L, but to insure my XC bike, and my Trilas bike (total value 3k) i ended up having to pay as much as my mum does for her car insurance! (300 a year) and theres no way i can afoord that!
  11. Very limited choice with gearing though!
  12. Ash, i never siad kings don't skip, but i do indeed fell that Hope have failed with the objective here, they set out to design a strong TRIALS SPECIFIC hub. Compared to the king they are a relatively new hub, yet seem to have had as much publicity with problems in trials from what i have personally seen. They had problem with the hubshell, granted that was probably down to excesive spoke tension, and has been sorted, but was a problem none the less, and king hubshells are damaged as there not designed with such extreme use in mind, the Hope WAS! Richs hub seems to have been the worsed skip i have witnessed, and i have explained in a previous post how the king and hope skips differ, and why. Freds has skipped, ive ridden it and its skipped slightly on me, as Chris says mike's from salisbury is bad, i have seen it skip many times, and ash don't try and say none of your guys hubs have never skipped on you! they have! Maybe not as extreme as a king, but they have! From what i can see, i have to say i may not be right, i dont have sales figures vs returns, but the ProIIt seems to have had as many problems in trials use as the Hope XC, if not more. This to me constitutes a failure in meting the design criteria! Remember king never set out to design a trials specific hub!
  13. For trials, i would be tempted to disagree with you (mine keeps coming loose, it may be damaged already). Nick (Prawn) would definately disagree with you. I love my king and got the whole raer wheel for £170, as the previous rider had it skip and didnt trust it. Turned out it was just loose. I took it apart, cleaned it, lubed it with proper stuff, and rode ever since. I am very happy. Considering the king is designed as an XC hub, its held up very well to rials abuse. Im sure if king made a trials specific hub, it would be insane! Hope have tried to make a trials specific hub, and somehow im very sorry to say it, appear to have failed! I love hope i really do, every other hub i own (apart from the rear screw on freewheel on my rag around commuter) is a hope, and i havent ever had a problem with them, yet ive ridden pro2s that have skipped.
  14. Despite being fork like in appearance, and possibly in a descriptive mannor could be called so, they are definately technically frames as they hold all the rest of the gubbins as well.
  15. Each hub has its merits, due to being two very different beeings. In theory, the king should out perform the hope in any situation, but it is more expensive, especially once you factor in HD axle and Steel drive shell if you need it (im still running a completely std king). The main difference is, while the pro2 does seem to occasionaly skip, seen it with many hubs recently, its only a small skip, and it picks up again due to the pawl and spring system- this is simple, and very reliable. you get the skip when the pawls are on the edge of a ratchet tooth, not properly engaged, they just clunk onto the next one very heavily. With a king, they slip in an enitrely different way, and it can be half a pedal stroke or more. This is because of how the helical spline system works, driving the two toothed drive rings together under pressure. In theory its very load bearing, and should be increasingly so as you put more pressure on. The forces in trials have a habit for flexing hubs however, and i have seen the splines on hub shells damaged and deformed (notably prawns when i cleaned it for him). this causes the spline not to push the drive rings together properly or at all in cetain situations. The king is most likely to skip if your a smooth rider, and hover over that engagement before a move then put the power down. i have only felt mine skip this way, but fo me only slightly, and i was beeing so light footed it wasnt even for a move, just trackstanding.
  16. Shame it eats away at certain engne parts, namely soft metals such as aluminium.
  17. take a look in my Porthcawl album on facebook, youl find it amoung many other embarassign pics of us!
  18. I posted it on the internet first Tic, you just didn't know about it! Facebook ***! EDIT: Heh? who took it down, its a funny pic!
  19. should be able to pop out, get some riding in before my sore throat gets worse.
  20. sweet vid ash, mucho better editing than the last one. Music is good too. Looks like you just gotta get the smooth to go with the big, but then, who am i to talk. Im sure it was only a year or so ago you had your orange leeson and were barely better than me!
  21. nmt_oli

    Car Insurance

    Happy thread maybe?
  22. You could call me all the gear no idea, my biek is very coordinated and pimp but i dont think i actually sacrificed any performance for it. I did pay extra than i may otherwise have done though, it was insurance money. Ck headset instead of a budget one, braided hoses ect.
  23. If someone made a great all disipline place like that, i would happily travel to ride (and im on the south coast) but would want to stay for at least one night. Even if payment was needed, like someone else mentioned P.O.R.C. with a campsite, minimal facilites, and someone there most of the time. pay by day or for locals a good deal on yearly membership. Just an idea to pay if you put facilities there really. Send them the pic of that trials park you posted and i think theyl get the idea of the kind of obstacles they will need to bring in.
  24. Disks on a mod are natually significantly more powerful than on a stock due to the smaller wheel size. The small wheel also means less twist in the wheel, and pad knock in the brake caliper is much less noticable. Put all that together and it means the brake feels firmer, less sketchy and hold much better that it would on a stock. I have ridden dual disk stock, and i did like it, but it would be enough for me now- i do like my maggie. I have also ridden dual disk mods, and they feel lovely. I can definately see the temptation.
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