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About adamtrials

  • Birthday 11/06/1989

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    BT 8.0 EX Ganja Koxx Vinco Brisa b26 Monty 221ti

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    London & co

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Too Much Spare Time

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  1. Wait, you made a whole topic about a f**king laptop?
  2. Just take it? Initially take it in a box so they don't know what it is, then after that you can suss out the security, it will probably be a lot more lax or at least circumventable than you think. If they do complain then you'll just have to be more sneaky...
  3. Iirc at the start he made it sound like she had never played the piano, and only showed her in her hypnotized state unable to play, so teaching someone with no ability to play that piece would be very impressive. However a music college student with the relevant skills would be able to play that piece straight off if they listened to it constantly for a week like she did, after I watched the show I listened to the piece a few times and could play it straight away, it's a relatively simple piece and is in C major so the easiest key to be able to play it by ear in. All of those flashing colours on the laptop and other stuff was most likely just a placebo effect, you're going to have more belief in being able to do it if you think somehow he's drilling it into you with amazing software.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the split screen trick, the camera has a lot of wobbling which could be added as an effect to help hide any flaws with the split screen, he'll probably come up with some incredible sounding system on friday to make it sound cleverer than it is though, I wouldn't believe all the explanations he gives on tv. Personally I've found a lot of his tricks dissapointing, in his truth or dare series I remember being unimpressed by all of them, the only one I can remember right now was when he claimed to make some girl with no piano ability able to play like a concert pianist without ever touching a piano, yet at the end he revealed she was actually a music college student, that's just lying He's undoubtedly very good at what he does though and very clever.
  5. AFAIK the earlier ones were supersonic in a dive and the later versions were supersonic in level flight. Either way it's pretty trivial, I was just demonstrating that if you want to go supersonic you can...
  6. The maximum range is 1150 statute miles. It's still supersonic travel for a modest budget though, even if it's not the most elegant solution it'd still get you a good distance.
  7. As an example link, does mach 1.3, at a guess would use about £500-1000 of fuel an hour. Not exactly comfortable or luxurious, but if you wanted to get somewhere very fast... There's also a few supersonic light transport planes knocking around for under a million iirc. Not exactly cheap, but compared to other aircraft prices it's not bad at all.
  8. I do. Until I move tomorrow, lol. Joe Rothwell + a few telford riders are kicking around, but there isn't a lot to ride. Train to Birmingham is your best option for good riding round here.
  9. ~Never, unless it somehow compromised the safety of other aircraft/ people/ buildings. Without going into all the boring rules you can do pretty much whatever you like with a non airworthy aircraft on the ground, it's essentially just a jet dragster with wings, no regulation. It sounds very much like a pub tale to me, especially seeing as to start it you'd need a sizeable ground crew and several thousand euros worth of fuel each time. Is supersonic airline travel gonna happen again? With the current technology I doubt it, unless an airline wants to use it as a loss making flagship. All the development in commercial aviation at the moment is focussed on economy and reducing the environmental impact, supersonic travel is neither cheap nor environmentally friendly... Supersonic personal travel is already a reality though, and can be done at a relatively modest cost.
  10. Why do they need permission? A plane doesn't need to be airworthy to do ground runs. They do them often in this country and they are poorly regulated, an example being when they accidentally took a victor off the ground a few months back (Which weirdly appeared in the mail today for some reason link).
  11. There's no errrm no about it, it'd work, and it'd work well. Some of the side knobs may be left, but hey, it's a stupid concept as it is.
  12. How come it's taken two pages and nobody has suggested going out and doing mad skids for an hour? It'd be far more fun and would result in a smoother finish.
  13. Don't play it with baileys, it makes such a mess it's untrue...
  14. The melon-off is a personal favourite of mine.
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