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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. took it to lbs, took it to me mate, both with vices, not workign with proper tool, its lead me to sell my new cranks and eno as a whole now need new cranks
  2. royal blood mate if u dont wanna use water
  3. hi, ive took the cranks to bikeshop to try and get it off and they have had no luck with long bar pretty pissed off as the eno is for sale and the cranks are new and i dont fancie buying new cranks seeing as im skint from buying a king.Any ideas on how to get it off, i have tried belting it with hammer and screwdriver, is it normal thread so anticlockwise undoes it right??? should i buy the tool and try it myself with a big bar or what, ive tried penetrating spray.
  4. beast! yours worked very well on that monty at christmas! impressed i was for a hope
  5. Clarky

    Rimjam Pads

    metal backing rip your prongs off
  6. i have what a dipper that make sme lol
  7. beast........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  8. my kind of style is that bike proper best way to go! use solvol autosol to polish costs aboiut a fiver for a small cream like metal tube
  9. come off train at "Blackpool north" head west towards the sea/promenade, then head north along the lower promenade and u cant miss them, those particular rocks called moonrocks go on for about 2 miles, but the prom wich has walls and loadz of shit goes from like fleetwood to sandunes end of blackpool a good 10 miles or sumin u will see anyway when u get there, but the moonrocks in the videos are opposite the gynn pub roundabout on the prom.
  10. It's a brace for the rear disk, used to have one on old montys. Looks nice mate!
  11. Be reet, get well soon hudson
  12. No ofence but i wouldnt class blackpool moonrocks as natural! its just concreted over rocks!
  13. This wasent Kyle, it was someone on his account
  14. U beast looks ace munnster! impressed u may of started off a new craze
  15. Good stuff boumsong like the front whel gap keep it up
  16. Thats pretty f**ked up ay Kyle, at least its healing!
  17. Ace video Kyle, was proper good! get well soon.
  18. Does anyone want a game? i'm bored
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