LOL forgot i even made this thread, wassapening! yer, me and burns are meeting at 11am, then tom new and richy rowden are getting there for 1pm. the more the merrier!
/\ : a good riding buddy of mine < : its a leaf, cant be arsed doing anything better \/ : they are a nutcase edit : haha nobodies gunna post after jaffacakes! unless its nickolas sam
i dont think any of us bikers have been 'out' together, EVER! and that needs to change biking on a friday before going out sounds ace actually yer, 9 is good mat wanna meet in colwyn and do street beforehand? then head to rhos for some natty? cheers
i gotta get back for work at 5 lads i want pub though! meh, matt, will u get up at 9ish to ride? because i will get a lift with mother into colwyn by 9 lol
meeting up with a girl this weekend. met her the other night but was pissed. how am i gunna be able to recognise her? dont wanna go up to the wrong lady ta Will