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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. great stuff, keep it up fellas, love all your vids
  2. ENJOY http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....millencolin.wmv comments MUCH appreciated very happy with this vid i reccon Williom!
  3. just learn how to use a decent set of allen keys the park tools allen keys are good
  4. that gap at 2:22 is the SICKEST gap i've seen ace vid, loving it
  5. ok so a well set up v-brake can work as good as a bad set-up magura? then what happens when u set up a magura correctly - mint!
  6. thats only because we were pretending to be tunni sidehopping up stuuf whilst the music from one of his vids was on
  7. lots of people diggbberd out, butr it was funn!!!@@! also matt everettr (paRTZ!) was an ace dodeude because he ace glasses n stufff, wing was mr.sensible because he onyl drank water!! so did i for about 2 secdos. pete is ace, so glad he camne up to bangor for a weekens, LEDGEND! wooooooo great rideo in thes day toop1!
  8. do it man, u knows it makes sense stay at mine by all means just dont expect anything more, i've heard how you are when drunk BRING ME A TARTYBIKES ONE please!!!!!! Will
  9. right, so who's coming? put ur name down lol
  10. very nice, almost as nice as mine told you you'd like it!!! also, why you using a booster? my brake is as stiff as something very stiff without a booster on! wooo Will
  11. ace vid loved it all.. highlights for me were the one handed railride and the logs section ( ryan leech? ) good riding by all
  12. you wouldn't fit through the door anyway fat-so
  13. ai have 2 or 3 places in my house. party did somebody just say party?? wonder where, hows about toms house!?! after party!! woo
  14. why's everyone dropping out you big fat faggots ok, so-far it looks like heres the line up.. davetrials me matt everett craig davies (i think) mosh (i think) pete tom wing craig burns rob maybe? chris jones (i gotta phone him to see if he wants to come) huw?? anyone else?! Will
  15. basically large amounts of fuel are entering the engine, where it doesn't need that much fuel. the amount of unburn fuel coming out of its ass is 8.5% where it should be 0.5% basically i've changed the air inlet temp sensor, coolant temp sensor and lambode sensor alwell as plugs and air filter. basically i think the choke is staying on too long and flooding the engine! help please!!!
  16. new bearings time... or maybe you've snapped the axle or something
  17. i reccon it would.. i'm running a 118 with an 18t freewheel and there is SHED loads of clearance, so i guess it would work what cranks u running?
  18. anyone got any ideas as to why my car uses so much fuel? its pissing me off!! btw i have a mk3 golf 1992 or 1993 thanks! Will
  19. Will Arnold


    tried one of those powerball things? rossi told me it sorted out his wrist problems
  20. always best to get some quality tool (buy or borrow) and do the job properly.. but since your threads are f**ked(that is what u wer saying, right? ) then i would ride them without the crankbolts in just to 'break the lock' before using heat and a hammer
  21. ace pete good to see you again yeah 30th sounds goood we all up for riding in the daytime before night outage too??!
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