what frame are you using it on man? and are you using chain tensioners? i've been using a t-master hub for ages and its ace neva slips with monty snail cams.. BUT you can be a basher so maybe 're-inforcements' are needed?
you connect the main long hose of the system using an olive and shroud nut on either end, then you use a barbed on with side of the crossover. dont heat it. its meant to be put on at normal temperature..
haven't seen one in AGES! just wondering where they all are, lurking in garages across the uk i guess?! there were HUNDEREDS a few years ago, but it seems they exist no longer! are they still rideen?! Will
got it in one! kool chains have mushroomed pins which they mushroom AFTER they are assembled with the links. this means that u stretch the metal of the outer link when u push the pin through...
insane riding good stuff! really inspirationsal. one thing, why does that guy with the whiteish hair never ride? im sure he USED to ride but never does nowadays ?
i just been out for first time in ages on ma own, was prettey good fun, although im getting a bit inaccurate lol managed to bunny hop to back wheel one finger UNDER nipple height! surprise urself sometimes!