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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. there are a few within 10mins (walking) of matt house. im not sure on their names though (N) Will
  2. there are some pics of the frame in black if thats of any use. here: www.revellbikes.com Will
  3. whoops (Y) yeah, im looking forward to it (Y) Will
  4. everytime i see one of those i like them more and more (Y)
  5. there are youth hostels in both bangor and lake ogwen. i think there is one in llandudno aswell as for camping it is a bad idea to try and camp in lake ogwen as its a nation park. Will
  6. sooo gutted, i broke my finger today (Y) so i might not be riding on the weekend but i will be there taking photos and videos for people if im not riding (Y) Will
  7. it isnt a comp, you know that right? its just a big indoor riding session basically, but there will be section layed out i think. Will
  8. the mounts with the braze on kits are 20 quid and the echo ones are 20 quid, i'd rather go for the one with the braze on ness. >_< Will
  9. good one pete, i knew youd be able to get those housemates of yours persuaded >_< Will
  10. my lbs uses a long bolt with big washers and a nyloc nut one one end and a normal one on the other end. i wouldnt use the hammer idea, it just seems way too dodgy! the bolt idea wont take long to make, isnt expensive and will make a good job of it >_< hammers are for apes. B) Will
  11. oh my! thats nice >_< i wonder how the mod version looks B) Will
  12. Will Arnold

    New Vid

    i really like this video (N) i liked your last one loads aswell :- cant wait for the next from you. Will
  13. how did you get the footage from vhs to compooter? im looking to do this but i dont know how (N) cheers
  14. because longer shainstays = more stable on the back wheel. shorter ones meant it is well twitchy and the ballancing point is harder to stay with. Will
  15. i think that people giving their opinions is great! but i just dont like people using terms such as 'Come on onza sort it out!' Argh! i give up! Will
  16. lol, almost :) i might try it when my current 'normal'grind has worn somewhat :blink:
  17. they have obviously worked their arses off to design and make those frames, probrably spent alot of money on them too. you come along and say 'Come on onza sort it out!' will make them feel alot better about what they are doing(i think not!!!) i think what they are doing is great and i think people who diss things like this should be shot(not really,lol). sorry if im being a bit angry but i think you should be encouraging new designs. and not thinking that the current frames are best :blink:
  18. this exact some thing happened to a mate of mine. he was so depressed, lol.
  19. i reccon they aren't evil, they are just strange(well, 'different' ) lol most of the girls i know are usually friendly with me but sometimes in right moods. :( i think its all down to time of the month n that. lol. and they take up alot of time. Will
  20. he's only ridden it once or twice since then though :P yeah, it was a good weld though. i've heard that aluminium gains strength after time just sitting about because it reacts with the air or something :-
  21. i wonder why they have taken the usual 31.8 bulge bar size down to 30.8 for their new products? seems a bit strange :( Will
  22. they are trying something new, and there is nothing wrong with that! its not harming anybody is it? your opinion will be valued by onza but theres no need to be offensive! :(
  23. this is what you want as i grinding alternative! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=5712 it fits to an angle grinder. i might try it later....... Will
  24. i absolutely love onza! they make good frames at affordable prices, what more can i say!?!?! im really liking design number 4, the carbon looks really cool and the drop outs. i couldnt test one for you could i? :"> Will
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