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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. surely fitting spacers will worsen the problem!?! it should be ok i think with only a couple of threads showing.
  2. yeah i would have done more different lines if the camera wouldn't of died on us :( i will make the next video longer and more varied :) cheers.
  3. 30 odd views and no replies lol
  4. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/penmon.wmv its quite short and not very good riding but i though i'd share what i did today with all of you. Thanks for any replies :wub: Will
  5. yeah, i have done lots of research, i have found many how-to guides and, with the help of rich4130 found a couple of places that sell tubes and fittings. i already have oxy-acetaline and regualtor. im going to fine some people locally that can teach me. im gunna ride the frame! hell yeah! even if it only lasts a month i will still be happy. i'll just make another :wub:" thanks again, i will post some piccys in a few months i should expect. Will
  6. i looked for places to buy tubing on the forum but couldnt find anything :wub: maybe i didnt look hard enough :- thanks man, i will look deeper into the forum. Will
  7. 5'6" 144 pounds (just over 10stone) 23.24 BMI perfectly ok :wub: Will
  8. ahhhh, somebody told me about flux already :wub: cheers anyway, i could have made such a mess, hehe. yeah, i will take photos of practice jobs and when the frame is half, and fully done. cheers people :- Will
  9. i was double checking with you lot that he has the right gas as he doesent know fully how to braze. i dont want to go blowing myself up or anything. (Y)"
  10. yo lee, sweet vid (Y) Whats the music? ta
  11. AAHHHHHHH! :( Cheers people, much appreciated :( i have a couple of chopped up reynolds frames so i will be using those to make a frame. and theres an old raleigh where i work that i could nick the headtube and bb shell from (Y) ta! Will
  12. ah i see why you were laughing now, you were laughing at the guy who was saying Oxy-Acetaline was the wrong stuff????? so Oxy-Acetaline is right? gosh im confuzed (Y)
  13. yo, cheers for replies people :( my dad says he has brazing equipment but he doesent know how to use it exactly (Y) the sooner i start the sooner i will be good enough to make a frame :( so what is the gas i actually need? thanks again Will
  14. hello people, could somebody please list the basic set of items needed for brazing a frame together please. im aware you need brazing rods, a mask, gloves anything else? also what type of gas is needed? a mix? thanks (Y) Will
  15. different disk systems have different cleareneces though, maybe you were lucky? if the ashton mounts are 2mm too low then you will need to have a 4mm smaller rotor, with the exception of collys setup (Y) Will
  16. ah! :"> those stoopid teachers said it wasnt possible :blink: silly teachers.......... yeah, i'll blame it on the teachers :P
  17. yo, in my college the teachers say that a bash guard cannot be knurled because of it being to big in diameter. is this true? is there a way to overcome it? cheers. Will
  18. looks nice from what i can see at any one time :ermm: (Y)
  19. mine oinly loaded 6.8 meg then it said it finnished
  20. i used 2 5p coins and the both bent alot! it still works though.....
  21. wrong, if its a 185 rotor then you'll need a 181mm rotor. this is because you take 2mm off each side of the disk. hope this helps, Will
  22. i see exactly what you mean but i dont see how you get some power by using them in this way. i got my bars the other day and i love them (Y) i can bunny hop higher, and with more confidense. the bike also feels nicer on the front wheel. cheers for the help :sick: Will
  23. i dont see how you can get more power by feeling comfy when your crouching back?!?!
  24. looks like youve seen a crack appear on your bars that is slowly getting bigger :P
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