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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. yo, i have an echo stem and my mate had a t-master stem, the t-master one was alot higher than my echo one. the echo one is the smallest mod stem ive seen! Will
  2. i shouldnt think so, is it a flat disk or a one with a curve to it (if that makes sence) Will
  3. why dont they just make one thats good? bloomin eck, it aint that hard to get the basics of a mod right is it? :- Will
  4. edward woodwood would know the the answer to that question :-
  5. sounds like the angle grinding disk is getting blunt..... my koxx rim was really rubbish with a grind, dx32 rule :- Will
  6. yeah, the chain would move only when power is put down :- thats not really an advantage though lol Will
  7. i dont think you could predict where a frame will break as people have different techniques and apply different amounts of pressure on different parts of the frame and at different/the same time(s). but yeah, i reccon the python is almost perfect :P Will
  8. thats really good, fair doos :P my attempts are not as good as yours yet :P also, either your headangle is wayyyyy to slack or your bb is wayyyy to low :P :P nice one, Will
  9. damn, only just got back and read this :- too late now, dang digady dang.
  10. sorry tom :D forgot :S come on people!?!? there must be some big rides happening. cheers
  11. half term now :S so, where do i need to get my ass to to do some good riding? are there any big rides happening this week? cheers, Will
  12. they might be screwed in? i think they are put in using heat to expand metal etc etc.........
  13. hahaha, that was class, Ali and his shoes was the funnies part imo :P Will
  14. i forgot to say, once the glue has melted and re-set its harder :P but it still is too soft for a grind. it might be good on a smooth rim......... get a puncture repair box out sam :P" Will
  15. damn! thought i was gunna get free pads then :- hehe. ive tries this material(glue gun) except i made a mould so they looks like normal pads. i used them on a grind and they got a little chewed up :P" :D
  16. how much would you pay me to not tell evryone about the secret ingredient??? MWAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Will :-
  17. i cant come either im afraid :rolleyes: (Y) :- going on holiday...............its a hard life. i might be back(jet lagged) for the monday ride :S Will
  18. they are a good idea for mods because with the height of a mod tyre it can easily roll sideways on offcamber surfaces. a wider rim will help, but im sticking to an alex dx32 (38mm) untill they use stronmg material for the 48mm ones.............
  19. you should get the dmr ones :) they dont have a lip that has to go on either side of the dropouts, its just a flat plate on the end, they are almost 20 quid though..........
  20. fantastic :) the best part for me was watching the riders at the very end chilling out and trying to backwheel from that slope to the wooden wall :) i reccon tunni and lee scott will turn up the trials volume........ B) Will
  21. as i said, i have already drawn it out, on a wooden board, full scale. rich, do you have any pictures of the one you made? cheers
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