yo, i have an echo stem and my mate had a t-master stem, the t-master one was alot higher than my echo one.
the echo one is the smallest mod stem ive seen!
i dont think you could predict where a frame will break as people have different techniques and apply different amounts of pressure on different parts of the frame and at different/the same time(s).
but yeah, i reccon the python is almost perfect :P
thats really good, fair doos :P
my attempts are not as good as yours yet :P
also, either your headangle is wayyyyy to slack or your bb is wayyyy to low :P :P
nice one,
i forgot to say, once the glue has melted and re-set its harder :P
but it still is too soft for a grind.
it might be good on a smooth rim.........
get a puncture repair box out sam :P"
damn! thought i was gunna get free pads then :-
ive tries this material(glue gun) except i made a mould so they looks like normal pads.
i used them on a grind and they got a little chewed up :P"
they are a good idea for mods because with the height of a mod tyre it can easily roll sideways on offcamber surfaces.
a wider rim will help, but im sticking to an alex dx32 (38mm) untill they use stronmg material for the 48mm ones.............
you should get the dmr ones :)
they dont have a lip that has to go on either side of the dropouts, its just a flat plate on the end, they are almost 20 quid though..........
fantastic :)
the best part for me was watching the riders at the very end chilling out and trying to backwheel from that slope to the wooden wall :)
i reccon tunni and lee scott will turn up the trials volume........ B)