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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. one-eyed milkman love length lmao Will
  2. i dont think we should be arguing against what tom is saying, i know that he put a shit load of effort into this and is very frustrated about the low turnout. dont argue with tom or put him down as he just doesent need it! he knows what to do for the next event, if it does go ahead. im sure some of us locals can come up with some sort of event or comp if tom doesent want to do anymore. anyways, cheers. Will
  3. flippin eck! looks like i cant get up there on sunday night. if there is enough people coming then i will travel up on monday morning, arriving about 12. i know that matt aint coming because he goes back to college... so, anyone else up for riding and people that have replied, could u post up asap about whether you are coming or not, cheers. p.s i reccon preston is more accessible, so there should be best for riding i think, i dont really mind though........... cheers, Will
  4. i went from bloxx on a koxx rim (cheese) to crm's on a dx32 (non cheese) and the change improved my riding loads, alot mre confidence because of un faultabe braking :lol: i think it was slightly due to me running a koxx rim firstly then a dx 32, but it was mainly down the the pads, crm's rule!!!! Will
  5. thats a phat chain! how did u snap it? hehe Will
  6. Will Arnold

    P2p Programs

    shit, is limewire really packed with spyware? i had to pay for it, it shouldnt have spyware in it!?!? cheers, Will
  7. yer, i think water is a bad idea, i might bleed mine with oil....... anyone got a reason for water breaking brakes? i cant think of a definite reason.... cheers Will
  8. how the hell did you come accross that site? Will
  9. i wanted to come but i had to stay with the family, i had a cousin come up from brighton for the w/e (Y) i agree with pete, tom chose about the most inconvenient day; ever lol. it was easter sunday and no trains were running to llandudno :D (even though the woman at the ticket place sold me a ticket!! (Y) ) anyways, i got there at about 4:30 - 5 and had a few hours riding there, was great fun and the layout was ace! i reccon the next one will have a much higher amount of people, aslong as its on your average sunday...... cheers, Will
  10. i know of no isis cranks/bb's that have rounded off :o if you sprend 30quid or more on an isis bb it should be fine :S Will
  11. aaaahahahaha (Y) thats well gd, nice catch :o Will
  12. Will Arnold


    that looks ace to ride, i think im gunna stop at lancaster for a week so i can ride different places. Will :ermm:
  13. the clocks go forwards soon remember! go figure mine out ^^^^^^^^^^ :) Will
  14. graham norton takes it sideways haha erm..... elron ekpse ruyo tohlsec llgneism herfs nda lcnea Will
  15. wrong! its actually stop squbbling you bums :) not stop squabbling you bums :P i cant figure your one out :P give us a clue :)" Will
  16. tops quillgbsni ouy musb P: Will
  17. im loading it now, its gunna take 2hrs though :ermm: boohoo Will
  18. me me me :ermm: mine is......... het bmku eerf ddv asw aedd girnob prtaa rfmo eth slarti trap hehe, Will
  19. is there still gunna be a ride on moday? if so, who wants to ride? cheers, Williom
  20. ooooo, frame only? where from? im getting excited :o Will
  21. ok im getting very confuzed, its late :) Will :ermm:
  22. tom, he said there are loads of trains on sunday night, so :ermm: lol, Will
  23. cool stuff, my mobile number is : 07951012216 gimme a ring or a pm on sunday please :ermm: Will
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