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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. so, is he actually sponsored by koxx? Will
  2. yer its true, it is not nesesarry for them to be there for the brake to work, but it does improve power (obviously) Will
  3. it wasnt skiddy at all (Y) apart from on some run ups when you have weight over the front.. i found it grippy enough :) Will
  4. Will Arnold


    very nice site, very easy to scroll around and look at stuff, also the parts look well sexy (Y) the only thing i'd say to improve it is learn how to spell componants, whoops, i mean components :) Will
  5. that last pic is very disturbing (Y)
  6. yer, morecambe it is then (Y) i dont know the place atall but i will hang around the station from 12:20 onwards... byeeeeeeee Will
  7. cool, i'll see you there..... my dentist appointments are always at 2:30 (say : 'tooth hurty' out aloud :) ) Will
  8. sure, sorry, didnt know it was there........ Will
  9. hahaha, made me laugh out loud, thank you (Y) Will
  10. ali, you are a legend! those pictures are well accurate! and i just love the mod picture :"> as for the chain tensioner on the mod, i dont think it would work unless its really beefy, it needs to be on the underside and further back on the chainstay imo. anyways, fair doos! Will
  11. im sure i mentioned somewhere in that thread that i and other locals could help do another, even if tom doesent want to!! i would quite happily help with organising it. by the time i offered my help to tom on the organising side of things, he had almost completely finnished it! anyways, im in support of another and i will help if its needed :unsure: Will
  12. theres a pic: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7252 sorry its not a detailed pic but its the biggest i could upload. cheers for any comments....... Will
  13. Will Arnold


    diff method............
  14. i will get a pic in a few mins :unsure: Will
  15. maybe try the old 'hacksaw a slot and screwdriver it out' technique. looks like there might not be enough material there to do it though :unsure: Will
  16. put it back in the bike with the tyre off :unsure: it does work, its flawless (Y) Will
  17. water will give a nicer, more solid feel but it might corrode the insides........ Will
  18. i have discovered a new way to grind wheels (with a little help from bob :unsure: ): http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7250 you have to spin the wheel with your hand then touch the grinder on the wheel (experiment with angles, you have to push quite hard onto the rim surface if your wheel isnt true) the wheel will start spinning at a stupid speed and the rim surface will slowly turn bright shinty silver as your doing it. it creates a really deep and sharp grind that is uniform all the way round (Y) (no starting/stopping marks) hope this helps some people, it makes my brake a beast....... Will
  19. Will Arnold


  20. wow! how did u go about drawing that>? cheers
  21. sounds good. i can get to morecambe for 12:21 sound ok with everyone? also, i want to ride preston, anyone want to ride preston that same night (could all get the train there....) either that, or ride preston on tuesday and morecambe for a full day on monday :unsure: cheers, Will
  22. its so obvious to see that the day you chose to hold the event was a bad one. sunday, easter day (when trains arent running to llandudno) is not a good time to put it on, thats the reason for people not turning up and thats the reason it wasn't as sucessfull as it could be. you chose a bad day to hold it, seemed to forget about this and jumped to the next stage of organising it. now your making us all feel guilty for not turning up! thats how i see it anyway. and your talking it out on the locals, we did help alot with the setting up of the event, didn't we? anyways, sorry to sound harsh :unsure: Will
  23. ooo, im good at silly faces i will put a photo up tomoz :unsure: Will
  24. it wasnt a few hours riding, it was an all weekend event, starting from friday. and 4 hours travelling would be well worth it! just go and watch the vid leedstrials put up! Will
  25. that was an ace vid! nice one mike! some nice fresh styles of riding there and tim steadman inventing some new moves (Y) who was that handsome young fellow doing that gap to front near the end? haha (Y) sooo much better to watch than most current vids :unsure: cheers, Will
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