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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. id rather hit my frame as i went up to bash than have my chain snap and pile drive my face into a wall :lol:" lol
  2. with all the frames becoming so similar, its about time somebody started to introduce new things into the frame market (Y) nice!
  3. i dont think that idea will work as the gnurling tool has to mesh with the metal after it has started to knurl the surface for the wheels of the knurling tool to turn and the wheel to turn you need them facing in the same direction surely. if you have the knurling tool on a 45 degree angle then the tool will want to wonder away from the rim? anyways, either im really confuzed or your really wrong (Y) cheers Will
  4. the chainstays means that the chain cannot be hit by a wall then bashguarding (Y) its an ace idea, although i would have the left chainstay as normal and the right on like that. ta
  5. ner, not tacky enough for a person with money coming out their ears :( you need a suit jonathan ross(or woss) stylee! (Y)
  6. you know your rich when... ..you have lots of money :huh:
  7. me and a few mates from college went out (because the teacher wasnt there) and did some ace street running around bangor uni and around some streets n buildings, we really pushed each other :P i was just wondering if anyone else from here has done it, and what do you think of it? what were your experiences? cheers :huh: Will
  8. yo, i reccon im prettey healthy, i dont do drugs, i dont smoke and i dont drink much alcohol. i reccon i dont get enough sleep and i dont drink water quite enough. also, through riding (i think), i had big problems with my back and now my knees are starting to give in :P :huh: maybe they are just bedding in to me doing a few different style moves and changing my style a bit? i dunno :P anyways, id say im prettey healthy apart from the knees, lack of sleep and de-hydration, lol :P cheers Will
  9. the old t-masters came with 3-piece cranks and a front freewheel as standard, so im sure supercycles wil be able to sort you out :huh: cheers Will
  10. yo, nice bike, i like it mucho :huh: how is that hayes hfx9 xc carbon brake? good? bad? cheers Will :P
  11. yer thats true, i reccon somebody should just make an alu frame with 10mm think disk tabs :huh: disks rock :P ta Gwylim
  12. hahaha, you make me laugh :P 'i didnt bed in my disk brake or face my disk tabs therefore this particular disk brake is crap. dont get a disk!' :huh: Will :P"
  13. i reccon disks are good enough on mods but lack power on the big wheels. cesar canas seemed to be riding fine with a rear disk on his mod :huh: oh and dave trials, did you face the disk tab? did you break it in properly? cheers Will
  14. sorry i get worked up when people list their brake set up, i.e booster, pads, grind/no grind...etc....then put oh, and i use tar, it flips the whole thing on its head, lmao. im not saying your like this but it reminded me of people saying stuff like this, thats why i got a bit carried away. i didnt mean to cause any offence, hopefully none is taken :) cheers Will
  15. the tar is the reason for your brake being so good, not because you have custom seals and an rb lever with an echo booster and a light and medium grind :P imo :P
  16. ok you lot, you got my question wrong! the answer to 'what does a policeman say to his belly?' is 'your under a vest' (Y) :) :) :) :D :D cheers Will
  17. yep thats right :P and its a submarine :P my joke is........ what does a policeman say to his belly?
  18. why dont we change this a bit, its getting boring with people listing jokes. i'll start it off, i say the start to a joke and someone else has to finnish it off correctly before they can put the start of their own joke in? here i go........ whats yellow and banana shaped?
  19. hahaha, cool. do you have any bigger photos? cheers
  20. i think JT said "its just a bar" on the basis that the guy was either gunna get the zoo! bars or the carbon onza ones, which are both v good bars, meaning either will be good, thats how i saw it though :P maybe wrong though hahaha tarrrrr
  21. he is probarbly scared of orange peel or something stoopid like that :P"
  22. ah nice one :) that looks a bit nuts i must say :P cheers
  23. i think the hog ones are the koxx rims basically, if so then they are cheeeeeeeeese. and if its drilled then i guess its edam or summit? haha ta
  24. hahaha, that made me laff :P chears!
  25. can someone please scan and upload :P i really wanna see this and all the shops have shut :P" ta
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