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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. yer hehe :P adam, do you think i should take a chunk out of the spline area so the cog comes off with ease? will supercycles understand that the chaunk missing was to take the cog off? will they still give me a new pair u reccon? ta :D
  2. ive just ripped my vide off of my bench! :- i pm'ed mike at onza a while ago and no reply :D ive thought of a brilliant way to get some leverage using and old isis bb and an old isis crank :D anyone got any more ideas that i can try now? ta
  3. anyone got anymore ideas about getting this cog off? im really stuck! do you think the above idea will work? ta Will
  4. i cant get this thing apart! its a complete bugger! i was thinking of hacksawing out a section of metal between the spline of the cranks and the cog thread so that the cog can then be screwed off with ease? anyone think this will work? ta
  5. nowt, but i just had a glass of milk :D gunna go and get weetabix soon....... lol
  6. id rather do it myself, otherwise id be forever getting other people do stuff for me :) cheers anyway :P im gunna bung it i the freezer for a while then do the hot water thing.... here are some more pics for whoever is interested :P http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7817 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7818 http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7819 cheers Will
  7. yeah cool, i will try some of the ideas listed in that link :P only thing is i cant get any leverage from the crank if the cog is clamped in the vice :P it was hard enough to remover the cog when i had a full crank arm :P cheers :D
  8. the only thing is that ive bent two chainwhips already :P and i dont have access to a park one :D what i was thinking was to borrow a fixed back wheel, and assemble the bike as normal so there is no kind of ratchet on the bike, then turn the intact crank backwards whilst holding the back brake? reccon that would work? ta
  9. thanks for the replies everyone, they are great :P i will get some more detailed shots of both sides of the break for you to look at. thats great news about the replacement of the crank :D cheers supercycles! i will have to get the cog and bash ring off of the crank which could prove difficult as there is not much crank to grip :P anyone got any ideas? (its a screw on fixed cog with no notches for tool fitting :P ) cheers Will
  10. no, i hadnt touched them with any kind of tool, they are just as they are normally, except in two :P ta
  11. yeah, there is a bit of a circular mark on one edge, im not sure what that means exactly? cheers Will
  12. i am quite small but im nearly 11 stone, (all muscle you see :P hehe) anyways :P
  13. yeah, i think it was just bad luck, i must have twatted it hard on something to initially weaken it, then fatigue? they were over a year old though, but i thought they were strong :P anyways, id be a very happy chappy with a replacement *hint* *hint* supercycles :) ta Will
  14. yeah, they have one of those frames in my lbs, they are sweeeet :)
  15. yeah i was thinking of getting middleburns but it might cause hassle getting the right gear ratios, ect for a mod. reccon supercycles will give me a new set? ta
  16. :P i jumped off of a bottle bank and, shcnapp, lol, it well hurt :) i have never been to llanfairpwll (for short :P ) but i reccon its rather average, why do you ask? cheers
  17. out riding today in llandudno and snapped my tensile crank on a drop, never heard of this happening before? buggered up my ancle too :P :P anyways, i just thought i'd let you know, seems quite interesting to me :P me riding + http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7809 = http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....cmd=si&img=7816 torn ligaments apparently :P ta Will
  18. happy birthday! :( (Y) how old are you? good luck with t-mag, they are soooo nice :( Will
  19. very good find, an amazing vid! :( huge moves and some good acurracy there too, brill :D (Y) ta
  20. i meant landing on the chain will weaken it, obviously
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