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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. i know you can mix u match, nearly all the tubes im gunna get are gunna be gura ones, then im gunna get disk tabs..etc.... ta Will p.s. does this mean your selling tubes rich? if so, then pm me :-
  2. ceeway.com im gunna be ordering stuff from there soon, the gura tubeset is plain gauge :blink: thats what im going for (Y) cheers Will
  3. thanks for the replies folks :- ive tried crm's before and i agree they are absoluely brill, but in the wet they are shocking :blink: im gunna see how i get on with the heatsink pads that steve has offered me (Y) (top guy) :- cheers Will
  4. whats wrong with him trying? it means that if he decides to go on to be a welder in later life, he will be slightly ahead of the game, compared to someone who hasnt seen a welder before. he will be more confident with welding equipment? sorry to be a nob, haha.
  5. just to say, horizontal dropouts and disk breaks are not good parteners :blink: especially when taking the rear wheel out! it means you have to take the caliper off in most cases (Y) ah well
  6. which pad is the most powerfull with a grind? anyone tried both? cheers Williom (Y)
  7. youd be spnding more time colouring in your tyres than riding (Y) (Y)
  8. turns red after a while. look at chris akkrigg and edd tongues old bikes tyres (Y)
  9. how much for the sr suntours? and do you have a pic? msn me (Y)
  10. sounds like your doing everything correctly, but you just need to practice to get the extra distance/heaight (Y) neil tunni wasnt just able to do big moves straight away (Y) im sure you know whats coming next, in the wise words or martyn ashton ...............
  11. oh my god what a bunch of c**ts, what will they achieve by doing this? (Y)
  12. it would take me nearly 10 hours to get there on the train, thanks but no thatnks (Y) Will
  13. lol, are you trying to confuze us? (Y) tehehe
  14. cool vids (Y) i enjoyed watching them, with some nice big ups and quality manual trickery (Y) ta
  15. glad to see you have got it :- i am stuck in an upping to backwheel rut at the moment, i can never seem to impove (Y) but i can manage to improve on my ups to wheels, its weird (Y) ah well ta
  16. yer, adams instructions are very good, i built my rear wheel 4x with adams help (Y) its dead strong too (Y)
  17. or http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=4626 (Y)
  18. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Kits.aspx?ModelID=6164 (Y)
  19. dont see why not, just inspect the threads? lol
  20. yer, they should come tommorow (Y) if not then on wednesday :P i just hope my leg fully heals by then (Y) ta
  21. i have a giro havoc, and i think its very good for 45 quid (Y) http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=6022 ta
  22. yeah, i'll try that arnica cream, sounds like it'll be good (Y) also, when i get back on my bike i'll just wack my laces up well tight (Y) hehe chears, Will
  23. yer, i have a tubigrip thing on it, i keep it on in the daytime only. i dont know if this is enough support? anyways, i want to ride on wednesday evening but im not sure whether my ancle will be up to it (Y) how long did your ankle take to heel? (pun in that sentence (Y) ) cheers Will
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