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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. u mean, mean person :S how about using paper on the threads, it worked for me before (Y) Will
  2. very impressive photoshappage (Y) im not sure on the colours but it does look prettey good Will
  3. ahhhhhh its late, i wasnt concentrating, ahem (Y)"
  4. no more nails is what ive used on my brake lever adjustment thing (Y)" hope it isnt permanent :"> lol
  5. what if all that shit gets into the bearings?!?! atleast with silicon you can take it out if it touches/gets into the bearings (Y) Will
  6. to be honest, i dont see the need for a titanium pedal! i have heat treated alu pedals and they aint gunna snap in half or anything! plus 200 quid is over the top! i bought some outland pedals ages ago for 35 quid, the bearings are ace, you get an extra set of pins and they are solid! not too heavy either! thats my view, Will
  7. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=55129 (Y)
  8. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/ i think the bar on the left opf that page has vanished? (Y)
  9. i meant to click 'edit' not 'quote' doh!
  10. my sister passed her driving test today! :P a few bad things thou: when we were out on the bikes, we had one falling on arse moment, one cut shin (Y) and a puncture ^_^ Will
  11. so i could use orange squash? :lol:" Will :lol:
  12. extremely nice! that frame looks well nice in blue Will
  13. yeah (N) tomm, one word.... ....speakers!
  14. it isnt possible for them to be cnc machined i dont think. i think they start out as double butted tubes, then they are heated up and bent accordingly :) im probarbly wrong (N) :)
  15. Will Arnold


    ... at its best http://www.macctrials.org.uk/main/links.htm Will
  16. tarty is right, al you need to do is stop it from spinning backwards (N)
  17. could be fun, i want to do a big trip in the summer because i'll be driving by then! :S count me in (kinda (Y) , still gotta check dates etc..) Will
  18. we are having having a new floor in our halfords in bangor too :S a trials demo has been brought up in conversation in the canteen before (Y) cheers Will
  19. yeah i think of that kind of thing quite alot, its weird but quite interesting :S meh, just get on wit life i say (Y) Will
  20. i like them all, especially the leeson :"> very noice (so thats why youve been riding 26" (Y) ) Will
  21. v good tom + rich (Y) us lot need to meet up for a ride again ! Will
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