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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. so when you build the walls higher they will get even more angry and aggetated, meaning they will have even more adrenalin flowing which will mean an even greater jumping height - they will be able to jump out of the hut :P the problem goes on.... the higher you build the walls, the higher they can jump (N) Will
  2. yer, im going to bed now, honest :- thats quite shocking actually! im deffo going to make sure i drink enough water from now on, too lazy you see :P" ta Will
  3. i know its kind of changing the subject but does alcohol have any really bad effects on sports such as trials? i seem to ride better when i havent been drinking, but is this just psychological(sp?) tar
  4. me and my mates got through huuuge amounts of spirits at a party the other week, i seriously dont know how we all survived (N) quite scary really :P so i'd say im rather spirited up !! Will
  5. whereabouts in wales is it? i may be interested :P
  6. good stuff craig! im gunna start going to comps soon i hope, so i might have a go at expert, hehe :- cheers
  7. oi matt, get yourself a kmc kool chain and join it using the supplied split link :- you wont snap that in a hurry, when i snappe one it went in the middle of the chain, not at the split link :) ta
  8. hehe, not that kind of club, i emant a trials club ;) im not sure where koxx are based, yarrr, i'll e-mail them cheers
  9. i ordered some bearings from wiggle yesterday at 3 and they came today at 10 or so :o thats with the free delivery option, and remember its a saturday today! :o ta
  10. i've heard of forks snapping because of this. whats forks are they out of interest?
  11. just wondering if there is any kind of club where the koxx days are held? also, how often are rides/events held there? im going to be in france from friday the 1st - sunday the 17th of july and want to visit this buthiers place for a ride :) cheers for yar help :) Will
  12. i ordered ankle biters and 2 chainstay protectors yesterday at 2 pm and they came this moring :)
  13. i did things like that in the electric products lesson at gcse level and i cant remember for the life of me how to do it :"> i'll try and dig out some notes if i have time tonight :) ta Will
  14. fair doos, onza are bringing out some brill products :) they look well thought out those do. and danny, what about the new echos? with the cnc machined top part.. ta
  15. cheers ad for yar help :bunny: and matt, ive just ordered them from wiggle :P damn! lol anyways, what are you doing with 2 sets of them when u dont even have an internal headset lol :)
  16. just about to spray my frame, so i removed my headset in my t-pro and found that the bearing cages have broken into about 10 million pieces and some of the bearings are shagged :) anyway, can someone tell me if this headset http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=3903 will work with my t-pro frame? i havent a clue about these integrated heatsets, when i bought my t-pro the headset came ready fitted. cheers Will
  17. sorry, but if you havent got time to check the forum every 2 days, then you havent got enough time to help with the event. seems that your being selfish? i admit, im probarbly not as busy as you are but should we really take time to check the forum/talk to tom or matt etc... then come to you and relay all of this info!?!? forums are here for a reason! Will
  18. a friend of mine runs it on the rear of his bike, it has a real nice feel and loads of adjustment :) i couldnt really test it for power as he has his brakes the 'wrong' way around :P i reccon it'll do well as a front brake.......heres a link, its going for 99.99! http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=4790 its a 160mm rotor, so it might be ok, do u ride stock or mod? ta Will
  19. are you sure thats the right one? it says its for convering a hayes mount fork to use a disk such as hope, thats not what im looking for :) :bunny: unless u mean i should flip it over and use it? ta
  20. whoa! that would make my brake beastious! maybe overkill? anyways, im off to bed, i'll let you know, cheers pete :P Will
  21. ok, i'll take your word for it :) cheers for yarrr help
  22. ahh somebody that know what im on about :deej: thats what i hate about internet shopping, you can't physically hold/compare what ur going to buy. if my lbs had all the different brackets in stcok i could go down there and get my head round it :bunny: but they dont :) :deej: ta
  23. then what happens if you want to put an avid 160mm on a fork with 74mm mounts, it would fit right? then you buy a 180mm avid and put it on the same fork, it wouldnt fit :) see where im coming from? ta
  24. what im trying to ask is.... is there a difference between caliper of an avid 160 and an avid 180? thank you :) Will
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