they engage seperately so that the engagement numbe4r increases...
hub sounds a load of poo to be honest, whats wrong with a king or profile? or hope fot that matter?
what a pointless thread/poll, so your saying we would have to of owned every frame on that list to give our opinion :)
people are just gunna tick the one they own surely? :D
just do the main stretches everyday and see how it goes?
some one mentioned jumping up and down 20 times a day as high as you can go to improve springyness ;) im gunna try it and see what happens (Y)"
lookin good, maybe i could tempt you to get the grinder out, your always running the smoothest rims, it doesent make sense (Y)
those pads look mucho neat :)
hope they go well....
i get what ur saying about the mech and bmx thing, but its never the pins that snap in my experience, only the plates...
ah well, this topic isnt really going anywhere, haha