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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. thought we were meant to be giving explanations!?!
  2. whereabouts on the pad? ta
  3. tar has got to be a good one, i used it loads when starting out, if i couldnt do a gap or an up, i'd just wack some tar on and it'd hold :bunny: creepy crawlers/koxx try-alls, the first mod tyres with decently soft rubber :deej:
  4. manuaaaaaaaaaal............ :bunny:
  5. yeah, ive told craig(duck) and matt that they can come with me and sister, so there wont be any room for you tom! but the thing is, she is having second thoughts and would like to take me to a more local comp... well see...
  6. i knew what he meant stan :bunny:" lol
  7. you reccon they'd allow this? because i havent been toa comp in a while, and im not really sure on which class would suit my ability... ta
  8. yer, thats cool with me.... danny, are you riding too? ta
  9. i need to know if camping is included in the 20 quid entry fee for the friday night? also, do we get entry on the friday? ta
  10. hehehe (Y) im not sure she would like 100mph ! maybe 80 at a push lol! chears man
  11. are you sure its 6 hours? it takes 6 hours for me to get down to kent, and looking on the map, it seems like a hell of a lot further :( also i'll ask everyone else to see if they wanna lift...
  12. oh right, i thought it was more like 10+ thats cool! looks like i'll see you all there then :(
  13. is there a train station within walking/riding distance of the event?
  14. well lame in bangor now, its just me that rides trials, lol. well there are a couple of other riders but they are like 30 and never ride :( so its about 3 times a week...usually for about an hour or two..
  15. just show how enthusiastic about bikes and riding u are, worked for me :( i may quit soon....i hate having a saturday job in the summer, sucks ass!
  16. hehehe (Y) thats what im doing too! my sister is half considering it! :( i havent told her it a 10 hours drive thou :D
  17. ooo cool! be sure to post some pics up when u get it :( is the disk mounting system different?
  18. more than 10p ! more like 12p ? lol
  19. ah i get you, if thats the case then dan should pay tax and shit as you put it or get a big fat slap round the chops, with a big wet fish :(
  20. i dont see what everyones bitching about, dan seems like a sound person to me, and he is only showing a couple of new products and keeping us all up to date, I DONT SEE A PROBLEM! :(
  21. maybe you could have the adaptor(homemade from the 6mm stuff) on the outside of the original mount, then use another piece of plate(and washers if needed) to bring it back to the same level as the original mount? if you get what i mean hope that makes sense :(
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