first vid
rolling gap, 8ft accross, 1.5 feet down, to crank spin (Y)
it isnt my best move yet, i'll do those later (Y)
edit : i have footage of the tape measure for anyone who doesent believe the distance...
sorry to mess about, but ive got the video camera working (Y) (Y)
so the battle is still on....
i will go out and film some now...
im not sure who is going first?
i bought everything i needed to put footage onto my computer and have set it all up properly, it isnt my fault that the bloody stuff doesent work!
anyway, anyone want to take my place in this battle? kinda pointless in me taking part if i cant put footage up (Y)
ah dang!
i havent got a firewire cable/card to connect the camera up to le computer...
i will go filming tonight and i will wack my vid up sometime in the morning when the card arrives (Y)
i have had the unex hosing set from supercycles (£16 quid) for about year and had no problems :-
as for a temporary bodge, i cant think what would work (Y) maybe you have some pipe hanging around? i dunno...
trialsmedia, when youtalk about the soundtrack lagging behind, do you mean when ur editing it? because i find this happens to me too! all you need to do it play the whole thing back from the start....
sorry if that doesent make much sence (Y)