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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. look on the bright side eh lee? there have been loads of good comment on ur video man, its quality (Y)
  2. oi! wheres ashton n that? u've missed out loads of cool riders (Y)
  3. Will Arnold


    if ur looking for trials shoes, go to your local shoezone, they have a nice set for 8 quid (Y)
  4. how does the sharp edges make the brake more powerfull?
  5. ah feck, i may aswell just try it (Y)
  6. is that the only diference thou? ta
  7. the brake already has dot 5.1 brake fluid in it i believe, would it harm the system if i top it up with dot 4 ? because i dont have enough dot 4 to fill the system and get the air bubbles out if you see what i mean... please help trisha (Y)"
  8. the way i see it, if you drag your brake down a big hill going forwards, your brake is going to be immense at locking forwards, but not backwards, if you drag it backwards then the opposite happens... think its to do with the way the pad material.when transferred, sits behind each slice(couldnt think of a better word :blink: ) of the grind. please dont shout at me if im wrong hahah
  9. yer snappel, the more the better.. im trying to get rich to come too, but he is being a fanny :blink:" B)
  10. woo cant wait now B) am bringing the camera with me too so can make a quality vid out of it :P (just hope those thieving c**ts arent out like last time :blink: )
  11. thanks for the replies so far guys :blink:
  12. quality vid maaaaaan, your riding improves with every vid, its really cool because im always looking forward to the next :blink: thanks Will
  13. im d/ling now, this eengidee is crap! sooo slow... bring back trials-shack!! wooooo! lol
  14. Will Arnold

    New Video

    riding in bangor and bethesda quarry :blink: http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/queens_flow.wmv comments please.. thanks Will
  15. threaded bar, two big washers, two nuts (Y) just make sure it clamps imline with the steerer tube (Y) ta
  16. the old auto correct is playing tricks (Y)
  17. lmao (Y) its a forumula before not a formula before,lol. my friend had one on the rear of his bike and it seemed to work prettey well fair doos (Y)
  18. do you have a local industrial estate? (Y)"
  19. im not saying you would do it, im saying why the feck let everyone know? jeeeez
  20. lookin good (Y) how much does the breake weigh with the 160 rotor? ta
  21. im sorry po point out the obvious to people that have sence, but for you spacemunkee, whats the point?
  22. Will Arnold


    i get a B loadies and gentlemen, although he did hop about a bit before the old crankflip (Y) bring it on dave.............
  23. Will Arnold


    i could only just make it static, and it was a struggle to keep the front end up to have time to do the crank spin... i will be really imaginative on the next ones (Y)" lets see what dave can pull outta the bag if he beats this one... Will
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