its use isnt to clean disk brakes thou is it?
who cares, he either takes yours or my advice, i know which i would choose out of the two options(shit shifter, or disk brake cleaner) to clean my disk brakes :P"
you can get disk brake cleaner from
i have some on order, you can either get the muc-off or another sort which i can remember the name of :P
if you feel that the monom4 is lacking in power, have you thought of buying some disk brake cleaner? only costs a 5er and may de-contaminate the pads/rotor for you :P
piston diameter, pah!
i have a leaky enduro leaver :P"
and i thought i would play with some setups to get a beasty brake going...
no worries if the brake fluid isnt the same i will leave it for now...
i thought we were talking about the coolest riders, not the rider that invented most trials moves?
i'll give you that ot pi is an absolute legend, but the coolest has gotta be either hermance or benito i think...