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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. yeah i was talking about magura disk brakes, they use mineral oil i do believe :P thats the idea with the old formula lever (small piston diameter 6-8 mm i think) and the enduro4 caliper (obviously huuge lol). anyone got anymore ideas about the lever reach thing? its getting on my tits, not literally, i mean i dont know how it could get on my tits? do i have tits? mah, lever adjustment, any ideas?
  2. «My banging shite, your banging shite, banging shite for all!» «banging shite, where success is at home.» «There's only one thing in the world I want and that is banging shite.» «I'd walk a mile for banging shite.» «Food or rabbit shit? I'll have rabbit shit.» off to the loo...........
  3. was prettey sweet that video (Y) although i have seen it before aaaaaaaages ago.
  4. yer, works for me too (Y) 80% wooo
  5. ive heard one person compaining about the split link snapping easily, but i wouldnt have thought theyd put a shit quick link on a beasty chain? ta
  6. or tighten the hub up with beasty power (Y)
  7. im not sure on over filling, im not even sure how i would do that! as for using a magura brake with a hope lever, the fluid used will probarbly begger one of the two up... the maguras use mineral oil and the hope brakes use dot 5.1 or 4 it may work if you get the mineral oil seal kit for the lever?
  8. its a beast! much better than my avid imo... the lever reach is a bit much thou (Y) nearly at the bar.... i dont really know how to rectify this..... any ideas? thanks
  9. it all works, its a bit spongey because the piston ratio is so silly :D its sooo powerfull (Y) its untrue! now to test it fully...........
  10. anti-clockwise, same as left side...
  11. no no no, thats not whats exciting, when i put the formula lever on the enduro caliper its gunna shit all over everything :huh: i will post pics soooon
  12. i have just cut, filed, angle grinded, the caliper of a formula before and a hope pro lever, and wacked it all together, bled it and its absolutely crap because of the stoopid cylinder size ratio, i cant wait to put the formula lever with the enduro 4 caliper with 205mm rotor, its gunna be the mutts yaw! im not even sure why im posting, maybe someones interested in this kinda thing? ta Will
  13. alex! carry on at this rate, u'll be world champion in a few years :) (Y) :o :huh:
  14. nice vid (Y) the stacks in the end looked a lil painfull :huh: good video thou :) Will
  15. dont know if i should do this, and i havent asked lee's permission but what the hey... only comments on the video in here please... leave the arguments for the other topic on his video. (that other topic is getting on my tits!) Will
  16. people, PLEASE STOP ARGUING! Does nothing for this topic, just makes it even harder to read through!
  17. woop woop, i'll be there... quite a treck for me thou! better be worth it :huh:" ta Will
  18. that was ace! all in the days work of a pro trials rider :huh:
  19. i think what everyones trying to say is....... the riding was great. the music choice was not to everyones liking, neither was the way it was edited. basically, i liked the vid because i could see lee was pushing himself in his riding, which is all that matters really, and makes a quality vid (Y) thats my view :) hope i havent started another bitching list :huh: ta Will
  20. «bum, your family will love you.» «be young, be free, taste bum.» «Take what you want, but leave bum alone!» hahahaha (im bored, lol)
  21. «I want more, I want will arnold.» «beer, your family will love you.» for there i just put fart into the box... «fart after a long day.» «Let's talk about fart.» «There's a bit of fart in all of us.» «fart - today and tomorrow.» «Don't get in the way of fart.» «Be young, have fun, taste fart.» «Let your fart flow.» i cracked up with some of those haha try putting 'bum' in lmao!
  22. a friend from work went, so i had to cover for him today :huh: looking forward to the video :)
  23. hehe :D they were hard? i didnt notice.....lol thats why i wasnt doing that big 50" sidehop today (Y)"
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