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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. down to the rim too! not just the build :P
  2. hows about super lightweight tubes and drilled rims? :P" that would save sooo much weight! suppose it depends on what yre is used too :)
  3. i honestly hope that skater dies! thats how annoyed i get when stupid idiots behave like that, fookin stupid! what a poof! fair enough, if your really angry with someone, confront them, but dont use weapons! just shows your weak.. also, he didnt even seem to have a reason to attack that guy :P :) :) Will
  4. didnt think they did them in green! i would have thought the powder coating would be the best bet, because a spray can job will probarbly just end up chipping off and lookin shitey...
  5. sure you want to be discussing that? :)" i just centre popped where i was going to drill, then used a holesaw on each pop, worked a treat. didnt seem to weaken the rim atall! i think alex-DX32 are meant to be drilled :) anyways, go for it :D Will
  6. ooo very swish :) love those frames! you must make sure u let me have a spin when u get it :P" Will
  7. Will Arnold

    My New Video

    nice one matt, thats some quality editing :P especially like the part where it flicked through the images with the music. the end was well funny :) that music lol :)
  8. hehe, thats a good point :P anyone know if koxx are using U-6 alu ?
  9. cool! will they be doing the levelboss mod frame too? ta
  10. it'd be the two holes you can seer in this first picture :- http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_details.asp?ProductID=327
  11. is the disk mount replaceable? it looks from the pictures that one section can be removed n replaced? also, why are you getting it for cheaper than everyone else? just wondering :- ta
  12. well, i had a crossover pipe that was completely clear, and ive seen it on other peoples bikes... didnt feel spongey :-
  13. im prettey sureyou can buy clear magura hosing! i had some as a cross over when i got my old megamo... not sure where to get it though. good idea lads :-
  14. hehe, i know the avid is a beast, but if the trial is more of a beast..... :P and im thinking rear brake here anyways :-"
  15. which is more powerful? i want only answers from people who have owned and used both please :sleeping: kinda odd question, but im sure some other people want to know the answer to this too (Y) ta Will
  16. oh no (Y) nice frame that was too :sleeping:
  17. do you know how much that costs sam? and where do you buy it from? im thinking of getting one and modding it :sleeping:
  18. yeah, i hope shit happens to that skater too! what a bum!
  19. Some disks have so much bite its unbelieveable. my old avid had so much bite, and also there was a kid who went around on his bike, he had an enduro 4 185mm on a 26" wheel, it was the best brake i had eer tried, it just locked lol!
  20. ah feck, im having second thoughts, the train home takes 3:20 and gets home at a quarter to one in the morning (Y) :- :- :sleeping:
  21. oh my god! i think i want one! except in mod version :sleeping: also, i know its very off topic, does anyone know anything about the new rear disk pads that monty are bringing out? cheers
  22. also known as a bar :o :- thtas one sweet lookin' bike there! whats the rear disk like power wise? better than maggie? cheers Will
  23. give him a brake :sleeping: happy birthday sam (Y)
  24. its nearly 3 hours away from me :sleeping:
  25. oooo sounds good (Y) see you there :sleeping:
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