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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. your an insiration MR.TRA, huge ups and huge gaps (Y) i loved the sideways gaps on the picnic tables, proper huuuge. also the bail when going to front wheel was well funny (Y) Will
  2. are you lot using windows media player?
  3. yer, mine has tropped at 52% :)
  4. i just got a dowload resumer, it cocked up a bit but now its going at 30kb/s :) 20 mins left..
  5. oh my god! THAT first sidehop! :) B) :- i only got to see the start :P im gunna try again now...
  6. seems to be d/ling fine for me (touches desk), its at 70% now :)
  7. nooo! drink lots of water, i swear u will feel fookin brilliant after it flushes ur whole body of all bad stuff and supplies ur joints with some lube! B)
  8. your local halfords should have an assortment of hangers, one should be able to fit with a bit of bodgeage, or maybe just a straight fit, as halfords used to sell megamo bikes :) Will
  9. eek, its my birthday on the friday, i may be a little too drunk/hungover to come 1st :) cant wait for this comp :(
  10. lmao! well all i want is a go on his bike :( :unsure:
  11. not all saracen forks are fat :( they look that same as some of matt b's ones
  12. how do you manage that? cut away from yourself remeber and be careful, blades can be very sharp! :unsure: :)"
  13. its a possibility that they are saracen ones. or maybe onzas sprayed like he said^^
  14. noooooo! i shall get a train up there now and wait outside matt house mwhahahaha... (bit like waiting for a sale to start or something haha
  15. oh my god! look at the pallet on top of the truck, it slips backwards! could have been gnasty i guess
  16. http://www.customriders.co.uk/prodlist.asp...h=&pg=10&site=3 that the one in the top right craig?
  17. when i kneel then stand up they feel really stiff and a bit achey for a short while, then they are ok... and also when i do sidehops and i crouch, they hurt a lil then :)
  18. do you find they help? i may need to get some too if they do anything :( ta
  19. doctor arnolds hypothesis..... theyre a bit f**ked, not f**ked, just a bit f**ked.... drink lots of water, eat lots of oily fish(dont get tempted to slap anyone with them :)) just eat em, lol, maybe try to build up the muscles around your knees? powerball seems to work for shit wrists, maybe do some exercises for bad knees? right, back to work..... :(
  20. what wheelsize we talking here? and what setup magura are we talking? ta
  21. ooo ace :( when do you think it'll be out? the vid that is....
  22. nice vid, how big was the first up? bout 14ft also :(
  23. Will Arnold


    do you mean u want to put the 3-pin on? if so try what that guy said ^^
  24. Will Arnold

    Zoo! Vids

    they have been sped up hugely! it was once at something stoopid like 0.5kb/s haha
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