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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. it wouldnt double, unless you had a silly gear ratio :P"
  2. feck, i was getting that vid at 600kb/s :P now its gone down to 20 :P ah well
  3. imo, the profile is a very maintenance free hub, just wack it on and leave it :P whereas with kings, you have to service them every now and then, plus have to tighten the cones etc... one of my friends kings is still coming lose after like a year! :P im not saying a king is any worse on the engagement strength side of things, it just requires a bit more love. oh and the axles in profiles dont snap :P"
  4. 14mm aint a problem, as some one said, just get adaptors. i would also like to know where you would get the ashton mod frame from, it looks sexeh :huh:"
  5. just make sure its key'd properly, and do what bucky said, use primer, paint and laquer :huh:
  6. knock on their door and kick them in the balls B) alternatively, if that doesn't work, do it again :P
  7. i would have a wheel attached to the end with a 160mm magura marta SL :P
  8. you'd feel really shit if i keeled over right now B)
  9. haha, remember the midgey repellant people! if we have to camp under a tree then were fooked haha!
  10. eek! how big did the lump grow to?
  11. i suppose tumours have to grow from somewhere, i'll get it checked out...
  12. no, i dont think its from the chicken shagging, :P but seriously, its quite worrying, ive been told its either lymph nodes swelling or a form of caner B)
  13. i have found lumps behind my ear, below this lump is another one. also on thr back/side of my neck there are two more :P anyone know what these are? bit of an annoyance really B) Will
  14. yup, i find this too, i have to keep straightening my legs to keep it from hurting B) i dont know the reason for it... someone said it was water behind the knee, but i havent got leaky knees that let water in :P
  15. get well soon! sounds really harsh B)
  16. ace! just this minute ive done 40 over a bar, found that tough! nice one....
  17. to be honest i dont think you should be giving your opinion on something you havent tried... its like me saying, DAZ doesent get ribena stains outta my white tee-shirt when ive only used VANISH. B)
  18. why should it even be an argument? B)
  19. on second thoughts, i think this hop was staged :blink: the seat would get in the way of the croughing ness!
  20. im guessing its sometime next year :blink:"
  21. your joking right? its half :-"
  22. thats ace :blink: nice one :- ;) :)
  23. oh my god, happy gilmore is ace!
  24. sweet pics, nice one :blink:
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