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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. as ive said, ive been imformed by onza themselves that the bash mount has been modified to resist these strains. the new ones will be using the same bash mount at the t-pro.... and, as i said, ive made up my mind :lol: and matt, i quite like my gaps to tubes thanks :D the lovely 'crunch, oh f**k' noise that can often be heard fills me with joy. (Y)" :) :) :)
  2. those problems have been ironed out :) and i wasnt asking for anvice anyways, ive made up my mind :) chears thou. any more info people?
  3. hey, just wondering if anyone could help me out with some info on a t-mag. what is the shortest bb i can get away with? considering im using tensiles and fixed cog. i need a short one so i can get the chainline minto. also, anyone know the weight ? thanks. Will
  4. probarbly worth looking into pro-tec helmets, wades cycles sell them i think
  5. cool pics laddos >_< and alex, get a helmet! u'll be thankful of wearing it!
  6. hmm, wonder if they have changed the design recently to accomodate the more abusive riders? because im thinking of getting one and i dont want it to break really early, sick of it, lol.
  7. aaaaii, cheers for the comments so-far, and thanks to tom for filming and uploading ;) the ride was great, i really enjoted it, again, everyone seemed to be trying new moves n stuff. ta Will oh, and thanks to danny for sortin ma brake out, highland water and a straw from a yaazoo yogurt do wonders :P
  8. oh no (Y) you tough bastid! lol
  9. i cant view it (Y) what kind of player is everyone using? ive tried wmp, quicktime, divx, and instant cinema :D
  10. one of me mates has let me down immensely :D my mum said (shurrup dave (Y) )she might be able to drive me there :P but that would mean hanging around with my mum all day lol (Y) n wales im travelling from btw...
  11. you have to send off your application dave! unless you want to pay me 20 quid and dont mind being called will for the day, because it looks lik i cant get there (Y)
  12. Will Arnold

    Good Films

    anyone know if the wedding crashers is good? for comedic value :closedeyes:
  13. im getting a constant 9 kb/s 35 mins left :closedeyes:"
  14. Will Arnold


    my wheel never buckles :closedeyes: since i got into mod riding, my wheel has never got out of true more that 1mm, mods rock :angry: and the pads are already about a mile from the rim anyways.... Will
  15. craigdavis will be coming with me if all goes to plan :closedeyes: see yas there :angry:
  16. Will Arnold


    mine could be made more powerfull at the sacrifice of movement, they move far more than they need to :closedeyes:
  17. quality shots, i didnt really like the first set of photos that much, but i loved the second set of natural photos, proper quality :closedeyes: nice one
  18. yer, i snapped a set too, on the right side this time... but to be fair i got them as they came out and they snapped a few mopnths ago, so they had definitely stood up to alot of crap, lol. anlso supercycles replaced them :closedeyes: all i had to do was pay for the bash rings and the spline fitting upgrade :angry: Will
  19. when i was talking about the kings being weak, i was talking about them with the weak axle in. so to get a king hub working as good as a profile, you have to buy the hub, then upgrade axle, driveshell and funbolts. :angry: seems very expensive to me! and who has ever heard of a profile slipping as much as a king? :closedeyes:"
  20. looks like im not going (N) thanks chris for not getting ur entry sorted :angry: :closedeyes:
  21. the t-pro seem to suit you well imo, josh. but you could get a 1045 zoo python at 400 quid or maybe a python copy, they sell at around 230 quid i think...
  22. good photos. looked like a really fun ride! couldnt help seeing tomms 24" looks well gd :(
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