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Will Arnold

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Everything posted by Will Arnold

  1. why doesent anyone else find this f**kin hilarious? :- i just burst into laughter when he puts his hands up ^_^ :- B) :(
  2. hey mat, it looks like you've pulled, he siad he wants u to get ur butt out lmao! sorry, enough of the sillyness, matt hudson ur just childish :(
  3. i havent done any weight, just mainly climbing and trialsing, im now 11 stone, and only 5 7" in height... can bulk out in sports :( but i guess that just concentrates on particular part of the body, meh
  4. i think that its better to do lots of lighter weight reps when ur young, to build muscle. then maybe do heavier weights once you have the muscle there to build on? just a thought. also i dont bother with weights to be honest, just do sports that use these mucsle groups -----> climbing, trials biking, etc... that way your ability in the sports improves and you dont waste time indoors training :(
  5. Will Arnold


    go welshriders ;)
  6. thanks for letting us know ;)
  7. brilliant, it makes me laugh just thinking about it, when he lifts his arms too hahahah ;) :P ;)
  8. Will Arnold

    Picture War

    cutters have no power now, mwhahaha
  9. my favourite is the avid mechanical, it just locks when u want it to lock, perfect for trials imo (Y)
  10. so they are the same as the older ones? if they are on par with plazzies, i will have some
  11. good stuff, alex dood
  12. yer, tis quite far, 2 hours for me B) . ah well
  13. kinda hard when theres only one rim that meets the description (Y)
  14. im in the same boat man, my frame wont work with a 38mm rim and plazzies, and i dont really want to run cheese that is kox rims. but yer, i cant run echo because of profileness (Y) or can i? :)
  15. Will Arnold


    hog is 47mm and the kris holm one is 42mm ???
  16. Will Arnold

    Piccy Wiccys

    whoa, good riding dood :) that gap (4th down), are u going to post? (Y) ta Williom
  17. Will Arnold


    imo it would be better if you sold the rims with the anodised sidewall left on there. anodised is alot better than machines sidewall imo.
  18. this technique is particularly handy for railings. because if you have this type of gap dialled, it will feel the same on a railing as anything else. Wil
  19. Will Arnold


    maybe this unicycleists wheel build is a particularly good one this time?
  20. Will Arnold


    good find. anyone know if its cheese material (koxx rim/onza hog ect.) or good material for a grind(alex DX-32)? cheers Will
  21. actually, there are los of different types of black, mwahaha. lol corr, i thought it was only like 500 for a car respray, has it gone up much recently?
  22. words of a wise man :D :P
  23. are u sure that works? surely the rotor would just spring back to how it was. i would do it with a wide anjustable spanner which has been degreased/cleaned to avoid contamination. ta
  24. why not go for the bearings that come standard on profiles? they lasted you a year and a half :P also, those bearings dont like water/rivers much, or so i have found.
  25. u sure about that <_<
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