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Everything posted by tryallmaster

  1. ask 'leedstrials', i havent got it on my comp. Im half way through making a new one at the moment
  2. I know how it feels!!! I dont truely believe in what i wrote! you have seen my vid 'lewispromo' me on the ashton, thats not all original. i love sidehops and gaps as you can see in the video. think your riding is ace, peace?
  3. im bored, most of the posts on this forum wont make a difference to peoples riding. you really take offence so easily chill out!
  4. hi some good stuff in there! maybe the editing could have needed more consideration. maybe you want sort your brakes, some of the bails could of been nasty! keep it up!!!
  5. 'You muppet' ha ha! lets find a wall and ill sidehop up it and well move on. you only disagree because the post describes you!
  6. hi guys! This has been a popular topic that pops up more often as my years of riding trials increase. I have been riding now for about 4 years, when i started i just rode for enjoyment and not to impress others, i.e sponsors. Looking at the recent trials scene there are alot of 'wanna be's', it seems so uniform if you know what i mean? Looking at the videos people are producing they all look the same, sidehops, gaps, drop gaps....its all so boring! Trials is all about being unique and expressing yourself in your own way, you dont have to be like a pro to be a pro if you get my drift... What are your views on this? Keep it real! lewis
  7. hi guys!! short and simple!!! wear your helmet regardless!!! this shouldnt even be a topic!!! its common sense!!! be safe, lewis
  8. hi guys!!! I will riding in leeds on boxing day!!! Its going to be massive!!! hope to see you all there!!! lewis
  9. hi guys! your passion for riding trials should not be affected by the weather! if people didnt ride when it rains or a bit cold there would be nill attendence at nearly every biketrial i have been to!!! when the weather gets rough your skills need to improve to cope with the slippy conditions, therefore your balance will improve and when it comes to summer you will be well ace like me! lewis
  10. guys!!! its all about leeds on boxing day!!! be there or be triangle!!! lewis
  11. i find when people watch it puts me under slight pressure to perform better, i tend to mess up less when i need to prove something. it can be really embarassing when you fall off though!! :$
  12. hi guys iv been riding trials in doncaster for about 4 years now and i dont know any of you new riders. we need to arrange a ride soon. i can ride whenever. my number is 07760192483 sweet, see yous in abit lewis
  13. Biff is staying In leeds with myself, and we're wondering if anybody wants top come ride Leeds Central thursday. usual meeting place, marbel walls outside station at 12 Cheers Lewis And Biff
  14. Hi I am looking for a new trials frame. At the moment i'm riding a pashley its a bit too heavy though. I want something lighter and snappier if you know what I mean!!! Thanks, Lewis
  15. I personally think Leeds is one of the best places i have rode!!!
  16. the dvd is absolutely amazing!! his style and control of the bike is unreal!!!
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