Hey Chas, Expressive boys are awesome! You should definitely make another trip out dude!!! Ill be back in June for a couple of months so hopefully catch up then!!! Take care mate!
Haha, thanks for the strong feedback Ben! A trip to Aus maybe in order? Cheers for posting the Vid!!! I havent even seen it yet!!! ps this was 2 hours of filming. Lewis. Comments extremely welcome!
Dont normally enjoy your vids or TGS but this one I actually enjoyed! Your style has improved and smoothnesssssss. I would like to see you link some of that shizz together! Lewis.
I love both, probably ridng more natural at the moment though.. I find riding natural improves my street a hell of a lot!!! More balance and precision is generally required when riding natural.
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the TNN pads are not associated with the Plazmatic name. The Plazmatic name will continue to be used by Tim. The connection between TNN and Plazmatic is through Chris Russ (the founder of the CRM compound). Chris will contribute his ten valuable years of experience to developing new products with TNN Egineering. I hope this has helped clear any confusion. Lewis.
The pad backings were designed by TNN engineering and the compound created by Chris Russ (the founder of the plazmatic CRM compound). The pads will be called TNN CRM when released.
Thats right the CRM compound will be returning on a lush CNC backing. The maker of plazmatic and TNN engineering have teamed up to create this awesome stopping power! The pad will be called TNN CRM. Here is a pic of the prototype... Lewis.
Hey Ross! You know the Ashton makes complete sense!!! Its very nice! I would definitely get rid of the quick release on the King and put funn bolts on instead! So, sticking with the justice for a while??? Take care dude!
Yeah! My mate has sus on his inspired and it rode awesome!!! It felt like a freeride bike but you can pull of trials shiz too. I would definitely recommend to try it! Ill get some pics up soon... Lewis.
I ran brown for 2 years and loved them. Then I changed to the croco yellows and hate them. I have a medium grind and the pads dont seem to bite well especially riding natural. As soon as dust gets on the rim they are useless! Im currently trying out some plazmatic protos with cnc backings which kick ass!!! Lewis.