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tryallmaster last won the day on May 26 2013

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About tryallmaster

  • Birthday April 6

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  • Real Name
    Lewis Greenhalgh
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    Inspired HEX
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Cheers everyone. Happy I could be a part of this. Don't get to ride as much these days :/
  2. I value my limited brain cells. More distance between my skull and the object the better in my opinion...
  3. here http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/139639-innovation-in-trials/
  4. 11 months riding??? Is that legit?
  5. Coming soon a collection of Vids from Melbourne, Australia. Each episode will focus on an area such as; comp, street, group rides, natural.. Cheers http://www.epictv.com/media/podcast/street-natural--comp-trials-from-australia-%7C-southern-balance-teaser/261555
  6. Incredible! Truly awesome riding. Ali has certainly raised the bar even higher! Well done.
  7. Cheers for the comments. Hoping to get another out this year. Lewis.
  8. A collection of clips filmed late 2012 and 2013 around Melbourne. Nathan 'Dog' has been on the Aussie trials seen for quite some time.. When he is not charging the streets of Melbourne or nailing techie lines he competes on a state, national and world level. This is the first of many videos to come of Dog.. Normally, I would not create such a long edit.. However, there is just so much I wanted to show for his first vid. Nathan truly appreciates the support from his sponsors Bike Trials Direct and TNN Engineering. Thank you to Andrew Dickey for assisting with the filming. Relax, enjoy and let it happen.. https://vimeo.com/66997962
  9. Launch to front over stairs.. Lucky escape.. Cool line..
  10. University was one of the best times of my life.. The experiences and people I met have added more value to my career than my degree in Economics. I would not even care if my student loan was 1 million pounds.. Worth EVERY penny. You CANT buy the experiences and life skills the uni life can offer at a pretty young age..
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