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Everything posted by TRA

  1. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    I have been thinking about it, but if im actually able to get some donations in i would ofcourse without a doubt do it . The problem is that the quality would be not so good, especially with the older videos, but that might just give it some sort of nostalgia ! Will check into it
  2. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    i dont see why not ? do you have mail there?
  3. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    updated and made a why donations part http://travideos.squarespace.com/why-donations/
  4. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    Haha , some sort of error there, the big up video was posted instead, weird stuff ! I have decided to delete all the payment stuff on the front page and make another page about it, some of the idea is also to try and see if its possible to fund further projects in the future, its not just about donating what i have already done, but to support me on the quest, with having the donaters to tell what they would like and for me to be able to do it because of the funding. To try and make it more into work then just pleasure, kindoff, because i dont have that video drive any longer. In theory donations can alone fund an entire free DVD with having no one to actually having to pay more then like 5 EUR each, because it reaches out to more people . Many people make theyr living by donations, but i dont think the trials community is large enough for that, hey maybe i can get that webhost, domain and vimeo accounts payed for atleast for everyones pleasure. fixed let me know if you find other issues
  5. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    Oh, and i just want to make sure people does not think that i expect people to pay , its based on the idea of free will. I am paying 2 vimeo accounts and 1 webhosting + domain will come. My idea is just that people will be happy enough to make the site alive.
  6. TRA

    121 Tra Videos

    I have done something, i have made a website and uploaded all my videos, therefor creating tra videos website. There are in total 121 free videos including DIV and OTHERS selection. Its all divided into years. Also i have added a DONATE button first goal, to get 170 EUR withing 2 weeks so i can keep this site up and running ! Enjoy , oh and beware, there really are some bad ones in there , hehehe http://travideos.squarespace.com/
  7. got myself a new pen ! hehe As long as im here i will say that because of such huge differences of income around the world i will most likely start to sell the plague at lower price for some parts of the world, it is unfair that some people pay alot more for a item when considering the % of total monthly income. Never seen anyone do this before, but i think its a good thing for everyone
  8. i go with his thoughts ! haha , well as i said ive spent too much time on this thing, much more then i will ever get back and did not at the present time feel the need to make a "regular" one. Altho one will be able to see that its not 1 spot shit filmed over 1 day kind of video. After US trip i will probably make a different one when i have more time to spear.
  9. TRA

    Chainless Bmx

    that bmx dude was amazing =D that tra chainless dude sucked though
  10. I saw other companys posting so i hope its OK. Now officialy starting to sell the The Plague DVD/Bluray with TRA and The Knut . There will be some prints for sale too. The trailer have its password removed and is on first page. Orders can be done on this official website of traprod, at the moment it will accept only Paypal. If issues please let me know. TRAPROD
  11. awesome cap ! find it and upload it. It instantly reminded me of this one, made by mr tarty himself:
  12. yeah man ! loved that one =D i knew it was something like that, i instantly got this england old school good memory`s
  13. cool stuff checking it out ! looks so much fun. but hey, that song has been used on a video before, which is it ? sounds soo familiar,
  14. TRA

    French Championships

    thats like a receipe on how to ruin trials footage by wannabe pro video camera operators, editor almost gave me seizures too. Sections looked awesome =D great riding, doh
  15. dont tell me , tell lexen . altho i will talk to him about it =P
  16. TRA

    Tra - On A Mission

    Actually doc said it was fine, with no need of xray. And it doesnt matter if my wrist are fine now, i will never ride without them again, anything else seems stupid to me , as these will most likely hinder any wrist brakes in future, and breaking wrist are so damn easy. And braces dont hinder me the slightest
  17. TRA

    Wtd: Tra In Hd Video

    i will try to upload to vimeo
  18. man your jumping backwards , you want to jump forward onto the object. Just bloody hell jump forward damnit, youve got loads of height to work with.
  19. it has felt like a f**king titanic too, but its coming together now !
  20. everyone that i have showed it to has had a feeling that it doesnt really end, and i agree. So now im trying to do some proper and cool riding with no emphasis on trying to get the most beautiful shots , but just to try and get the best that i can do at the moment. Bad ankle and knee from last 2 days, this can only mean good ! Hopefully by the end of this week i will have the last bits i want , then i will also have received the music, so i will smakc it together and get it for sale, its taken tooo long this thing, haha.
  21. doesnt look at all like knut in any way , that is christoffer m totally different chap on a speedrace
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