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Everything posted by TRA

  1. ohoy there. I am working on a new webpage of mine, which i will update reguralyly ( maybe) . not too much content at the moment, but still better then anything ive ever had. I just added a section of "weight training" because many have asked and it always takes forever to try and explain. Check it out sign the guestbook, become a "member" and whatever, play some pacman! http://trabelial.webs.com/ feedback is welcomed, also suggestions
  2. TRA

    Tra Website

    holy crap, i am blind, didnt see the website section, pardon me
  3. ohoy there. I am working on a new webpage of mine, which i will update reguralyly ( maybe) . not too much content at the moment, but still better then anything ive ever had. I just added a section of "weight training" because many have asked and it always takes forever to try and explain. Check it out sign the guestbook, become a "member" and whatever, play some pacman! http://trabelial.webs.com/
  4. Yes thats the move i think off when i think off martyn ashton , that was sweet, i will practice that one too , looks cool. The filming, no it was a cheap homemade dolly, was going to make a better high quality video with proper filming and editing , but got a gathering this weekend and i am sooo bored of riding same stuff all over again in the hall , so i just made a short simple one instead.
  5. the the few shots with videowork , was supposed to be properly done all through video, but didnt turn out like that, will do proper next vid .
  6. future sound of london - lifeforms
  7. oh my , its a vid, here : http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=45245
  8. ... he basically said " if you want a lighter bike, get lighter parts" , what are you supposed to learn from that? that lighter parts equals lighter bike ? . geez thats clever
  9. "we are the company to revolutionice biketrials ! so what will we do for this year ? lets not do anything ! we just paint it GOLD and sell it for millions" Monty is again turning out to outdated crap in the 26" apartment , 20" not looking too good either.
  10. as i said on observed, its uploading and encoding and whatnot
  11. Hiya , got a short vid out, check it out over at Observed http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=44490 quick link , vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/6197626
  12. That must be the best guess of this month
  13. TRA

    Moto Trials

    Its a little dumb this i think, because he isnt really any good at all , can do some massive jumps smoothly but that just takes some training outside of normal trials training . And filming was crap , typical overhyped lame filming .
  14. TRA

    Tra In Hd

    vid never getting old , lol . the HD will give better quality then DV even with smaller screens, epescially in viewers like youtube and vimeo, but it isnt actually HD before you view it at either 720 or 1080 . But this is 4:3 , not 16:9 as it should be ! bad converting and f**ks up entire video .
  15. in mototrials its normal to have different country`s /clubs to "buy" sections , it should prevent this . Altho this could be a normal observer error .
  16. when i did mototrials i never had arm pump, basically because i was riding more and the brake, clutch+throttle is a much much heavier combination then trials brakes . So only way to get rid of it is either ride long sections every day , or put in extra effort to try and train with things such as tennisball or or something you train only brake finger on. And you need to do like 50-200 reps 10 sets. Sounds and is boring
  17. its all ripoff`s off coustellier frame . Norco frame is the ugliest thing yet though
  18. TRA

    Ot: Ken Block

    Amazingly cool video, but just lots of drifting which does get boring after a short time
  19. Tire gap was 340cm . But you know , it had a small drop , makes alot of difference . Bike is a little too short, maybe 1.5 cm , not much . Stem is good lenght i weigh 95 kg now .
  20. lol, funny comments. ofcourse theres only simple "tgs" or whatever its called moves, havent been riding for 7 months so i suck monkeyballs. And my wrist is only at 50% movement and pain is bad. The frame i really like , might look odd to some but its a killer. Next frames will be bit different .
  21. i dont think the record should count as the stage was very bouncy, altho i am NOT saying benito couldnt have done 142 cm without the help of the stage. Actually ive been training hard and just back on my bike, so i will test this weekend if i can come close or beat it , but its different in a contest you know. I dont know why but i can do higher over rope then onto an object, might be my wrist injury but again , well impressive these jumps and maybe soon trials riders will get close to the "magic" 1.50m ! =) BTW, benito seems to have planned that, as he used different lighter and more bouncy tires on his bike =D
  22. uhmm ... whats up with his encoding ? last vids was supposedly HD but was LD and bad quality, this is HD but its wrong aspect ratio. going to watch it now though , will be good =)
  23. hi. cool vid. altho destroyed it with overediting .. uhm, speeding up is a huge no no
  24. TRA


    i have done 1 long vid with broken hand, and then i have done 2 cast videos and some recovery videos .. maybe its me ? ..
  25. it was the wrist, when hand slipped off bar. lol, you think i would do a mid air tuck to make things look better? idiot =P
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