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Everything posted by Matthew62

  1. Mate you need to chill out and get a sense of humour. P.S. This is the second (and last) time I will tell you that you do not know me, please do try and stop professing to, I find it really weird. I also strongly doubt you know anyone who does know me well enough to pass an opinion.
  2. I was just trying to retort to your initial attempt…seems my "banter" was more successful. Not to worry, I don't see any form of confrontation (I've seen a picture of you in shorts) but I wouldn't say 1-2 posts a month constitute "loud"? If you actually mean out-spoken then it depends on the situation and group naturally. As I don't intend to be passing through Leeds anytime soon I'm afraid you'll have to just have to imagine. In regards to your last sentence…..I'm not sure the street has received word of me so not sure where you're getting your information? I've met only a very small number of people from here, in many cases quite some time ago so I'm calling bullshit on that. I know i'm being unfair, it's just I don't really like the way you write, for some reason it irks me. I also find a lot of what you say such unending-relentless crap that it warrants the odd little comments (don't see this as a confrontation as in a fight haha).
  3. I sorta like him - his many fox related names are a personal fave.
  4. Quality over quantity, not every has an endless-shitting-stream-of-consciousness-banal-drivel-outpouring that some (not necessarily saying you, but in fact, yes, you) appear to be so very fluent in. I hope this quantifies the required "banter" you forlorn attempt aspired to *insert "haha" wink, sticky-out tongue face*.
  5. For asking a legitimate question…... P.S. His avatar was great as well.
  6. How do propose they get around then?
  7. I see...... Makes sense. And was the slight jig in geo to make it less extreme for potential newer riders (who'd go for the cheaper bike)?
  8. Out of interest (as I'm a little out of the loop) what is the thinking behind another bike with such incremental changes? I'm beginning to loose track slightly with the inspired range, is it an attempt to hit different price points? The arcade and console just seem to be really similar but with different build kits (when obviously the usual approach would be to do a cheaper build kit on an existing frame). Crazy number of different 24"s in the range-never thought I'd see such a thing-real good going for inspired.
  9. Surely that's just why you should be applying to more?
  10. That's fair enough. I'd like to think my comments didn't constitute bullying however. I don't think I've posted any remark to G before regarding the multiple videos of frame cutting I've seen…I'm not that interested to be truthful. I just saw the title of this video and along with the music it seemed to be painting a bit of a sob-story which I found irksome. I'm mildly aware of G's sensitivity in terms of removing videos, taking comments negatively but all I was remaking on was a video trying to make a point of being brakeless at the lack of funds for brakes when I've seen countless bikes destroyed, which would indicate the contrary. Just seemed a bit narcissistic to me. I'm just not in to the idea of comments being overly censored due to a perceived negativity, as I don't go along with the whole "if you've got nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all". I didn't really have a positive comment to make, there was just my one opinion which I gave. My comment was based on this video.
  11. So posts are being removed for what reason? The fear of offending?
  12. This video is something else….I think Flipp may well be becoming my favourite rider to watch (either brakeless or not), such a good mix of styles and great flow which is something so often missing from trials.
  13. That's good to know. You're just generally bigoted then….. P.S. If you wouldn't mind can you just PM me your address and your usual hours out of the house Mon-Fri and where your least stable door/window is. You know, as long as you don't mind.
  14. 3 cheers for your ignorance? Bearing in mind that attack happened in South Africa I'd say the attacker/robber was probably fairly local. I suppose if you were to be robbed in Hull by a white British guy you wouldn't mind?
  15. Aye a ken, but I dunnae ken "Its 'buy''?
  16. Because you weren't there? The 36 was a decent fork (in RC2 guise) to be fair. And the new one does seem to be helping Fox get back on track. There were a good few at the EWS but everyone who had one is sponsored by Fox so that's not saying much and as they're not available for purchase yet I'm standing by what I said. The thing I don't understand is everyone is giggling with excitement for this new 36 which features the exact same damper that was available 4 years ago, all in a fork that is heavier than a Pike, £400 more and required 5 bolts loosening to take your front wheel out….. it's a monumental leap backwards and every review says it's "almost as good as a Pike"…… if you were in the market for a new fork and didn't by the Pike there'd be something wrong with you.
  17. Manlyst? Also not really sure there's any trail centre that quantifies being classified as manly. I wasn't calling in to question your riding ability, or what products you use (p.s. it's 'forks' and these days I wouldn't be so proud of using a fox fork) just your very dubious advice. Is chain line important? Yes, very much so. Again as someone who works in a bike shop I'd hope you'd realise this. Also in terms of single rings it's especially important as you're using the full spread of the cassette unlike a triple setup so ensuring a correct chain line makes all the difference. Again, you're wrong on your last point however it's a moot as if you're using a triple crankset then your chain line is pretty much predetermined and there's not much you can do to drastically change or ruin it. Gear set-up is important with a triple obviously to get the gears you're suggesting sometimes suffer, but it's not down to the chain line. Yeah, that's what I was saying…..narrow-wide or thick-thin, they're both equally silly but it's due to Sram licensing the technology under the name 'X-Sync' so I think the rest of the industry have just down-played what that actually means to the names mentioned.
  18. Usually called thick-thin..... Sram who came up for it have a licensed name but it basically boils down to thick then thin teeth, which the non-licensed competitors have stuck with, possibly even to downplay the technology.
  19. I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. If you want a granny ring use a double set-up with a front mech. You'd never run a single ring on the inner chainring mount on a crank. Not only would the spider look absurd but it wouldn't work. Don't you work in a bike shop? How can you say "so long as (it should be) you're not worried about chain line"….. this isn't a trials bike, you need to have a correct chain line to have suitably shifting gears. I do hope you never suggest customers do this. Also your last suggestion…….cummon! It's like you're trying to suggest as outlandish setups as possible. Why would you use narrow-wide alongside a granny? If you had both rings then you wouldn't need a narrow-wide. Who would ever stop their bike, take their chain off and lower it on to a granny ring manually to then get back on to ride when a £12 mech can do the job, and you get to stay on the bike.
  20. Yeah should be fine. I ran that on my 26" bike and could still get up some pretty steep climbs. You do need to push more but you soon adapt and if you keep pushing it just means you climb quicker, and you focus on keeping momentum so the climbs are over quicker. Since moving to 27.5" I have moved down to a 32t front ring though. But it's not about keeping the low end granny gears? Who uses those anyway? Also where would you get a 28t chainring for anything other than an X1/X01/XX1 setup? You wouldn't be able to fit a 28t on a typical 104BCD setup.
  21. Just for reference……this was Vittorio's tribute to Martyn's videos. Martyn was aware of what he was doing and apparently likes them.
  22. I can't see past Spank rims for the MTB (and trials bike if you can get them). I had some Spank Oozy rims for a while which we're immense. I've since changed to 27.5" and there weren't any 27.5" Spank rims unfortunately but I'd always run them in a heartbeat. I'm selling 2 26" black 32h Spank Oozy rims with only a couple of months use. Give me a shout if they're any use!
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