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danny B

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About danny B

  • Birthday 10/18/1986

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  • Real Name
    Danny Butler
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Freestyle BIkes Danny Butler Pro Model, loaded with top spec components provided by the Trials genius' at Tartybikes and the newest member to the Michelin Factory MTB team so running the New Miichelin Wild grip'r and wild Rock'r tyres!!! You will also see me always going big in the the sickest Fox Gear !!!
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  • Interests
    eerrrr trials.....durrr, I have spent a very long time in the sport and have seen many things and people come and go and suppose now at this time would like to think i know what i am on about lol... I run the Extreme mountainbike show one of the UK most sucessful Trials specific Shows that are the only team to have riders of world standard in the team that have actually got titles!!
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danny B's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Hey bud still interested in the frame ? 

  2. There was no evidence to support any wrong doing I simply left due to medical reasons and then further had a major operation to support said reason, I am allowed to compete when and where I please but whether i will ride again in a competitive nature is questionable due to the fact of a heavy show schedule. Thanks for all of the kind comments and it was great to ride with Jack who truly has a huge level and is a great asset to our country and the UK trials scene.
  3. Patt the bike looks top .... but you forgot to tighten your bars up they have fallen forward tut tut lol hope you well?
  4. Hi guys, as always appreciate any constructive criticism and still getting used to the bike although i have to say my riding has improved for sure on this bike a lot i have a lot more footage to come out soon and will take all of the views and pointers on board. Thanks again for all of the compliments on the riding and will try my best to keep it up and getting better everyday after the operation and also the rehabilitation of my health and leg.
  5. Hi Guys, Here is the first of the new videos that i have been working on with my new ride the Rockman Gabbro this is a natural edit and also had to be squeezed in between a very busy show schedule. Please enjoy and huge thanks to all those that support and sponsor me and I will continue to work hard on the next few edits coming up. Enjoy: https://vimeo.com/69118222
  6. Hey man, coming soon work in progress right now )
  7. I am sure that the cog I have is ti ....
  8. Cheers dude to be honest thats where a lot of the update will be but thought I better show some love the TF way....
  9. Hey guys, I had also posted this in my bike pics thread but at the end of the day it is a video so popped it in here as well for you to all check out the new machine. Thanks again to all those that support me and continue to support me and the sport. Rockman Bikes you guys rock !!!!
  10. Hi guys a few shots taken after the shooting of the intro to the new bike video of just a bit of steady street.... Enjoy ) As alway huge thanks to all o the sponsors:- Rockman Bikes TartyBikes Hope Tech Fox clothing Michelin Tyres Drift Innovation Don Joy Fuchs Silkolene Merge Decals Game Over Cheers
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