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About wayneone

  • Birthday 05/20/1987

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  • Quick Spec
    Onza t-rex, hs33's, hope bulb rear, xt front, hog front, ronnie rear, tensile cranks, onza bar+stem, foam grips, Koxx bloxx + zoo! pads onza carbon booster, standard magura booster, lite guy forks, sora mech(locked)

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  • Location
    Luton, Bedfordshire

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wayneone's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Whos riding in Bedfordshire and buckinghamshire? Milton Keynes, Luton, Bedford..
  2. Yeah thats exactly what i thought myself it just the wheels are wider than the older ones. But then if the gti version has them as standard then they must fit becuase the frame(chassis whatever) is the same. But i am right in saying ill need different bolts?
  3. Hello all. Ive just got my self some 106 gti wheels to go on my 106 indipendece(sp?) which has the standard steel wheels. Am i going to need spacers? (dont say just fit them because i dont have wheel nuts yet and its raining) thanks all.
  4. Hello all. Ive just got a new 106(02 plate) after some idiot with no insurance crashed into the back of me and wrote my old one off(T reg) anyhoo the problem being is that the engine is slightly different and i cant seem to find the oil filter. On the older car it was on the front of a sump, but on the newer one theres no sign of it. Anyone help?
  5. Hey yeah im the Phill impersonator lol

    are you the one who come to peterborough with Ben??

  6. Anything can happen in the next half hour. (sting ray) My own one: You can spend over a thousand pounds on a bodykit, even more on the engine, but you STILL have a Corsa!
  7. Where can i obtain one? Why do you recomend it so highly?
  8. Hello everyone reading this thread. My bottom brackt is on its last legs and ill soon be in need of a replacement, but which one do you lot recomend? What im after is somthing not too expensive below 50 pounds if possible but at the same time not somthing thats gonna break in 10 mins or somthing thats far too heavy. The bike im riding is a onza t-rex with tensile cranks(the ones with the normal bash)
  9. Leon perhaps you could contact the reporter or try emailed the website?
  10. I realy want to see this clip but cant find it on the site! can anyone save us who are less able at website navagation?
  11. Ive been running the original one for a year and a half now and its NEVER skipped!
  12. Ive just finished 3 years as a bench joiner(i can do carpenry aswell) All i can say to you mate is if you want to be a carpenter or joiner then its fantastic if you dont want to be then it will be crap. You cant realy define a trade as "any good" it depends what you like doing.
  13. Agreed but would you show the police a video of you hitting someone?
  14. Yes he was a willy and thats just what people are like. But as Rich said not one of you would have had him as we can hear it in your voices, Now if he had hit one of you im sure he would of got a kicking but im also gonna guess that the majority of you wouldnt have done anything and would have watched or rode off. But all in all despite him being a tosser and NEEDING and real hard punch you all did the right thing to stand your ground, leave the rascism out and not do any fighting becuase you just know that if it would have kicked off he would of been telling the police how you only did it because he is a asian and how you were saying things like "paki ect" (when you wernt)
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