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Everything posted by Chicky

  1. dont really want to buy any more chain tugs. I ride a t-pro and the tugs that came with that broke. I was hoping for other suggestions.
  2. Okay, so this is really holding me back. I dont actually TRUST my bike. I've had no end of problems with the chain, its always too loose and chain tugs dont work. I've recently put a halflink in so the chain doesnt need tugs but i still get the chain coming loose when i ride and it ends up coming off the chainring and often getting caught and snapping. It only comes off when i ride/pedal hard. So i can ride just over walking pace but any faster makes the f'cking chain come off. With is sooo annoying! I need some help, chain tugs dont fit right. Half link doesnt make chain tight enough and i cant set the wheel as far forward as it'll go because the chains waaay too loose! argh, help me.
  3. put the wheel as close to the bb as possible, then put a halflink of the chain so it fits as tight as possible. No room for the wheel to move and a tight chain.
  4. All this time all i need is a f'king half link for my chain. daaaaamn.
  5. Well i got some shitty bmx tensioners for £6. They hardly fit my frame but i think i've got them sorted, the chains tight anyway. I'll see how they ride next time i go out, it's too hot now.
  6. whoa, someone needs to calm down. Ever thought i might be hard on cash? After buying a T-pro being advertised as 'mint' you dont expect to have to buy stuff for it. And living alone at the age of 17 doesnt exactly leave much spare cash. christ.
  7. make tensioners? Please... elabourate.
  8. Been riding my t-pro for a few days now and im pissed. It doesnt have any chain tensioners on it and the chain keeps coming loose then causing it to get caught in back cog and snap. its pissing me off, what can i do?
  9. Sick vid mate, loved it all. Very big :huh:
  10. Chicky

    Flash Mind Reader

    yea there's a set amount of numbers it can be, they all have the same symbol. And the symbol for those numbers changes each go you have.
  11. I think we should set the swindon ride for two weeks time, gives everyone enough notice + im at my gf's all next week. How about sunday 21st?
  12. Maybe knobbly tyres are needed for backwheeling? You never know...
  13. Aww, jesus you're right. Clever b*****d. lol cheers. (Y)
  14. Okay, so either im REALLY weak this morning or theres something wrong with my technique. But is there any special way to get pedals off cranks? I got my t-pro this morning but one of the pedals is f**ked (thanks caddis!) so im trying to get it off so i can put a spare on, but it simply wont come off. any ideas?
  15. Chicky


    This should be interesting (Y)
  16. Chicky

    Emo Farm

    If it makes you feel better Kerrie i did a few emo poses :D The hairs all emo (Y) and oh ohh! EMO GLASSES!!!"1111! :-
  17. I'd just like to say, i know EXACTLY what you're doing wrong. First things first, you need to go onto your psp and through options choose 'format memory stick' this will setup the stick for use through the psp. It makes individual folders for music, pictures and savegames. You can then use the usb mode to put your music (must be mp3) and pictures (must be jpeg) into these folders. Now as for videos follow this tutorial http://www.pspcrazy.com/3gpguide.html Hope i helped.
  18. Okay so take a look at this crude diagram, i have a few questions about the technique. Now when getting from stage 1 to stage 2 it seems that in all the videos ive watched all you have to do is slightly release the rear brake and pull a small wheelie. Thus making the whole bike move forward so that the rear wheel is much closer to the object that you're wishing to lurch onto. Is that all it is? A wheelie? Or is there an extra technique needed. I'm quite curious as i can already go from step 1 strait to 4 in one lurch, but doing the wheelie to get closer to the object first seems a lot easier and more reliable when doing long lines. so that's it, my question. Please feel free to answer :shifty:
  19. Hey, i was just wondering if it was actaully possible to wheelie a 20" mod? Anyone got any videos? I'm finding it quite hard and would apreciate any tips. cheers,
  20. Chicky

    Steve-a, Video 4

    exactly what i thought, hehe.
  21. Aww, you're 16 now. That means you can buy scissiors legally!
  22. We could always delay it a bit for you mate, would give me time to get used to the new bike.
  23. Try to ride every day for about 3 hours with my mate on his hardtail. If he's not out then it's normally a hour ride on me own.
  24. Looks like we're getting a nice few people interested. Well i'm getting my new bike sometime next week, hopefully monday so any time after that is good for me really. You guys'll have to teach me a few things, can't even backwheel properlly yet :wink2:"
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