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About Chicky

  • Birthday 06/22/1988

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Hey TF, Been a good few years since i visited, i've bought a couple of bikes from these forums! I've decided to take up trials again, i used to ride when i was a kid but even then, didn't know anyone who was into trials. Anyway, having a bit of a dialemma. I've got a 20" mod which is lovely, has been sitting around gathering dust for years but i've started riding her again. Yet again i run into the same problem, the damn thing is too small to ride around town. I feel like a right bellend trying to get places on such a small bike, when i'm 23. It's fine for chucking in the car and driving to a decent spot, but i have no car anymore, and no one to ride with. I'm looking into getting a 24" (because i want a seat, and to bust some street, yo) , but i'm skint so that will have to wait. I was considering buying a 24" frame and rims then putting all my mod parts on it. Not sure the front freewheel/gearing will be the same. Will this work? Also, any rider meets in the South West? I live in Wiltshire. One last thing, where did all the decent 20" trials videos go on youtube? It just seems to be little kids in their backyard. Link me!
  2. Look like the same place the graffitti is familiar. Are there any other video's shot there?
  3. Huzzah, I used to have a video on my comp of some mad riding and filming inside a warehouse, i think it was called new years jam but dont hold me to that. I cant remember a lot else, i think it was all mod riding. Spam me with video's
  4. Dude, clear your inbox! I have been trying to get through to you for ages!

  5. Chicky


    he can't moan about it not working with his computer, you didn't offer the ebay 'return policy' did you? Good. Then he can't do FA. Also if he's building his own pc then he will most certainly know what is compatible with what, i highly doubt he's stupid enough to spend £160 on something that wont work with his mobo.
  6. her husband is her named driver, that's the first thing she said. Anyway, im going through insurance, i'm getting my 1.0 mini soon and that's all i want for a good few years so it should be alright. so yeah, all should be sorted now. And i dont have to pay any excess for insurance aparently!
  7. Well this is strange, everytime i get in cotact with the person i hit ive talked to the woman who was in the back. It's her car aparently and i think she's giving me her insurance details. Surely it should be the guy who was driving that should be giving me his details? And if he doesn't have insurance, i dont have to pay out... right?
  8. So here's how its turned out. She went to a accident and repair garage in chippenham, they told her that not only the bumbers f'cked but the boot door and whatever's behind the lot is f'cked too. So they gave her a quote, £1500-£1600. Bugger me! That's a lot of cash, cash which i do not have. So it's going through insurance. Now a couple more questions, do i have to pay anything? Or do my insurance pay everything and then i just get a fat premium next year? Also how long is this going to take? I'm meant to be swapping my car with a mini within the next week or so, will this effect anything? On a lighter note, got my new headlight today. £10 That's the 106 fixed.
  9. Did your mate go to a garage to get it fixed then? And they got a bumper and stuff for him? What do you mean 'you'll be laughing'?
  10. hmm, well we'll see how much it costs. I'll be sure to keep you lads posted. fingers crossed its under £200, if so might be able to get the money from my mums account (long long story).
  11. If i go through my insurance how much extra will my insurance quote go up by? And will it only effect next years price and then i can earn a years no claims after that? If so i might aswell go through my insurance, i was planning on downgrading to a 1.0 mini anyway.
  12. I dont know f**k all about cars mate, that's why i posted on here. Seems a bit gay that he has to go through a garage but its better than my insurance i guess.
  13. £50-£70!!? sweet! I was expecting like £300-£500 Can anyone clarify this? Sounds too good to be true!
  14. Was driving back from the missus, had done 40 miles had 5 to go and i skidded out and went into the back of someone. It was the same bloody route i do every day and it was pissing it down so i was going really slow. I must've hit the guy at like 5 mph or something stupid, all it did to me was smash the glass in a headlight but he's got a nice big dent in the back of his rover. It was one of these as far as i saw it only dented the back left of the car, below the boot door. Does anyone have any idea how much its going to cost, the guy was a legend and said he wouldn't put it through the insurance companies, but he's guna get a quote from a rover garage and give me a call. please help? I'm getting all worked up over this cheers
  15. Yeah well to be honest i need something to cart my drum kit around in.
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